- 7$/1000 views - 10% Ref - Paypal, Bitcoin, Payza, Skrill, WMZ

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Anyone experiencing a decline in payment rates or just me? I am getting twice from my previous views and yet the money is just half of the previous stats. Is there some sort of new payment rates per country? I thought it was just the views but it is straight two days now I have been observing.

Let me know if it is just me.
Hello, Would you allow youtube traffic ? I would like to remind that Youtube traffic mostly has no referrer , So although I would be able to show you the videos with imgtrex links in description, You might not be able to see youtube in referrer? Would you allow youtube traffic or not?
Earlier One of my payments was rejected for suspected fake traffic cause I redirected traffic to a post on blogspot. So if this time instead of redirecting I put direct Imgtrex links and send direct visits would that be acceptable and will I get paid ?

Why youtube would not have referer? if you post a link somewhere then we will have referer so, we can allow youtube only if you have youtube referer...
Because otherwise anyone can post a youtube link and send fake traffic and say thats from youtube....
So without referer your payment will be decline or you have to proof your traffic with google analytics or something similar...

Thanks for your understanding.

Anyone experiencing a decline in payment rates or just me? I am getting twice from my previous views and yet the money is just half of the previous stats. Is there some sort of new payment rates per country? I thought it was just the views but it is straight two days now I have been observing.

Let me know if it is just me.

Can i have your username? I think is because you dont have the same views are before.
Example: if on day 1 you have more Tier 1 views then your earnings will be hight than if you have on day 2, 3, 4 views from tier b, c or d....

But give me your username i will check it anyway :)

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Why youtube would not have referer? if you post a link somewhere then we will have referer so, we can allow youtube only if you have youtube referer...
Because otherwise anyone can post a youtube link and send fake traffic and say thats from youtube....
So without referer your payment will be decline or you have to proof your traffic with google analytics or something similar...

Thanks for your understanding.

Anyone experiencing a decline in payment rates or just me? I am getting twice from my previous views and yet the money is just half of the previous stats. Is there some sort of new payment rates per country? I thought it was just the views but it is straight two days now I have been observing.

Let me know if it is just me.

Can i have your username? I think is because you dont have the same views are before.
Example: if on day 1 you have more Tier 1 views then your earnings will be hight than if you have on day 2, 3, 4 views from tier b, c or d....

But give me your username i will check it anyway :)


Oh. Thank You very much if you check it. I have been having some decline, I know it might be the views from countries to countries.. Mine is Blueleaf sir.
Oh. Thank You very much if you check it. I have been having some decline, I know it might be the views from countries to countries.. Mine is Blueleaf sir.

I just checked your account and is not a tier/countries problem but you have lot of views from same users...

For example: user 1: 10 views, user 2: 20views, user 3: 40views
so on your report page you see lot of views but less money is right because we count only 1 views per ip /24h.

But on your report page the views shown are not unique so it show all views even when a user see your image 10, 20 or 40 times but money not counted.

Oh, Okay that clears something up.

I am having trouble on the views stuff. So if a single user view 10 of my images, ImgTrex only counts one? So meaning if I get 2000 hits in 24 hours that means I get 2000 users ? Thanks for any clarification. ;)

PS. Best Admin eva~~
Yes :) 2000 views not mean 2000 unique views...
We count only 1 view per ip in 24 hours.

We are trying to work ourside to show only unique views in the report page but it will not done until sometime...

Yes :) 2000 views not mean 2000 unique views...
We count only 1 view per ip in 24 hours.

We are trying to work ourside to show only unique views in the report page but it will not done until sometime...


Thanks for that, I have been uploading all day: Need to go to bed now, thanks for the help.

And ohh.. Time to request for payment.. ;)
I Signed up on Imtrex and I have 2311 views, but I have accumulated just $0.21. Most of my visitors are from Brazil. The Brazil is Tier C ($0.50). What is happening?

My login: sexolandia
I Signed up on Imtrex and I have 2311 views, but I have accumulated just $0.21. Most of my visitors are from Brazil. The Brazil is Tier C ($0.50). What is happening?

My login: sexolandia

It's simple you get lot of views from same ips.
As clearly marked on the footer of the report page, the table shown all views that means if a user click on your image X times then it counted.
But the money is not added because we count one view per ip per 24h.

Hope this is clear for you :)

Entered payment info and turned on security lock. Payment info has now disappeared and I am not receiving the email to turn security lock off so I can re-enter my payment information. What is going on with that? Please fix.
Entered payment info and turned on security lock. Payment info has now disappeared and I am not receiving the email to turn security lock off so I can re-enter my payment information. What is going on with that? Please fix.

Please send an email directly from here in future otherwise you will not get fast support.
Anyway give me your username ill check this for you :)
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Entered payment info and turned on security lock. Payment info has now disappeared and I am not receiving the email to turn security lock off so I can re-enter my payment information. What is going on with that? Please fix.

Please send an email directly from here ImgTrex: user friendly image sharer in future otherwise you will not get fast support.
Anyway give me your username ill check this for you :)

problem resolved....the emails came through after a few hours.
I have a question: If someone visits one of my image it is counted as 1 view right per 24 hours. What if after a day/24 hours that person visit the same image will it count as 1 view again? Thanks.
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