- 5.00 USD / 1000 views - 10% referrals - Earn $ Sharing Images

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rates reduced :facepalm:

You are one of the best imghosts.. payed me on time...!!
But you cut down the rates too much.. I can understand your intention and efforts.
Now with these rates. My earning gonna be almost 50% of what I usually earn.

You gave us a choice between being Greedy or Safe.??

Did you think of raising rates of Tire B,C & D.??
Are there any chances of including countries like India(also some other countries) into higher Tires??
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they shouldnt have gone for vacations !! they should optimize ads, there are plenty of options, i had my own imagehost for forums , from tier 1 i easily earn 6$ eCPM , you should optimize ads rather cutting rates down.

My ecpm falls down from 2.1$ to 1.10$ !! i earned easily 20$ a day but today only 7$ !!

you left me no option rather choosing another host ! u lost 15k uniques per day (from me) :)

payment received..
Thanks !!

Added after 7 Days:

payment received..!!

payment received..!!
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they shouldnt have gone for vacations !! they should optimize ads, there are plenty of options, i had my own imagehost for forums , from tier 1 i easily earn 6$ eCPM , you should optimize ads rather cutting rates down.

My ecpm falls down from 2.1$ to 1.10$ !! i earned easily 20$ a day but today only 7$ !!

you left me no option rather choosing another host ! u lost 15k uniques per day (from me) :)
classic cashwhore

use your own image host then.

image hosting industry is over saturaded that's why ad companies lower the rates a lot.

popunder networks shave impressions and are paying very low for usa uk ca, etc.
ad networks are in the same boat. they are paying peanuts for ppc and impressions
Good ;)

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

Added after 1:

Is there any good hosts ? I mean bttr thn this one ?

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk
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error uploading

I get error when trying to upload 11x1080p pgn-s (each 3.5 MB) in an album ( ) so I'll look for an other site.
imgmaster is scam (like so many others aparently), imgmaster freezing, well today wouldn't load their main page at it's hard really to find a working genuine site where non-xxx pix are allowed. :facepalm:
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Service termination

Posted on May 28, 2015



We are very sorry to inform our users that since May 28, 2015, our network has to close its doors. We will disable new user registrations and we will disable affiliate program for existing users. Websites will continue to load and serve originally uploaded content, we will not take them down.

Since 2012, we have provided the best service possible to everyone, doing the best we could to keep everyone happy. Today, we are very proud to be one of the top imagehosting networks on the market, and to say that we have always been honest with our users regarding earnings, views, and payouts.

This decision was made because at this moment it became very difficult for us to keep maintaining the network and keep being profitable (hard to believe but true), and unlike many other projects, we announce our news and we give our users time to collect their money.

You will have until Wednesday 3 to cash out all pending earnings, and we will pay you all. Please login to your account and request payments accordingly.

We appreciate all our loyal users, maybe sometime in the future we will re-open! If this is the case, we will keep you posted. You can always still reach us at any of our contact forms, we are always happy to read your feedback.


Lucas and Lucas,

CEOs and Founders of IMG Network.

Full link: ImgDino | News » Blog Archive » Service termination

We will process payments on May 29 and on June 5.

Thanks everyone for your business with us, and your trust.

Hope to work with all of you in the future again.

Kind Regards,
Long time i use your services with Dino, Serve and tiger.
Im dissapointed you need to close your services.

Thanks and i hope to see you again.
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