- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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Count on the images section was paused, but there's no problem with the statistics page.

The images section count will be added again soon.

Thanks for feedback.

Kind Regards,

All payments processed.

Announcement: Changes in the Tier system.

- Tier 1 is USA and UK
- Tier 1 now pays 5 USD / 1000 views.
- Minimum payment: 5 USD.

Thanks everyone for business.

Kind Regards,
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this sucks :( for tier 1 5 usd /1000 views from 6 usd /1000 views i need to find me a new host thanks for letting us know but dont like the new tier system am pretty sure others feel the same
this sucks :( for tier 1 5 usd /1000 views from 6 usd /1000 views i need to find me a new host thanks for letting us know but dont like the new tier system am pretty sure others feel the same


Rates aren't as important as everyone thinks, remember that we always credit you with the 100% of the actual real visits that you earned. This is by far more important than using a host that reportedly pays you, for example, 7 USD, and cuts the 30% of the visits.

What users need to compare between Imagehosts is how much they earn using the same amount of work (time, uploads). I am positive that ImgServe is one of the largest and greatest Imagehosts in the industry, paying and offering our users the best earnings and services possible.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Contact - | Earn Money Sharing Images

Kind Regards,
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this sucks :( for tier 1 5 usd /1000 views from 6 usd /1000 views i need to find me a new host thanks for letting us know but dont like the new tier system am pretty sure others feel the same

I think you will not find a host which gives you more than 5$/1000 views, and as trusted as this one, and allowed in as many forums as this host.
But good luck for searching...
Hi ImgDino yes ImgServe is a great imagehost you guys have always paid me but its very disappointing on this drop for tier 1 from 6 usd to 5 usd
continue using this image hosting.

imgchilli pay less than imgserve and is more popular because is an trusted host.

trust is better than money.

if you move to imagepaying etc probably they will close in 2 months.
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