- 5,00 USD / 1000 Image Views. Earn money sharing images: Amazing Rates.

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[/URL] [/IMG]

waiting for my first payment
i believe they will pay soon ;)


I am sorry to inform you that traffic from "" is not allowed.

All payments will be processed within the next 12 hours.

Kind Regards,

[/URL] [/IMG]

waiting for my first payment
i believe they will pay soon ;)


I am sorry to inform you that traffic from "" is not allowed.

All payments will be processed within the next 12 hours.

Kind Regards,


actually i didnt get normal bot from there..i just got facebook twitter likes and views
the day of payment you banned me,maybe it would be better if you warn me and say kindly before not at the payment day
anyway thanks a lot
rules are rules

sorry but didnt know

good luck
[TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content"]
[TR="class: ui-widget-header"]
[TD]Date Request
[TD] 2014-03-20 16:38:12 [/TD]
[TD] 11.66 $
[TD] Paypal [/TD]
[TD] ------
[TD] pending
[TR="class: yellowcolor"]
[TD] 2014-03-14 18:40:59 [/TD]
[TD] 19.86 $[/TD]
[TD] Paypal [/TD]
[TD] ------
[TD] processing
[TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content"]
[TR="class: greencolor"]
[TD]2014-03-20 16:38:12[/TD]
[TD] 11.66 $[/TD]
[TD] Paypal[/TD]
[TD] ---- [/TD]
[TD] completed[/TD]
[TR="class: greencolor"]
[TD] 2014-03-14 18:40:59[/TD]
[TD] 19.86 $[/TD]
[TD] Paypal[/TD]
[TD] ---- [/TD]
[TD] completed[/TD]

Thank you.

Added after 23 Hours 20 minutes:

Always these hours have a problem with uploading..
Last edited:
FLASH and AJAX upload doesn't work properly on all 3 sites, please check the issue and fix it asap ImgDino.

Thank you!

Added after 2 Days:

The upload problem isn't solved, I just contact you via site contact form. Please fix it asap for you.
Last edited:
Database error : MySQL server has gone away and Couldn't connect to :facepalm: I don't doubt you will fix it, but today is 3th day which I can't upload normal on all your sites. Also I haven't answer on a site contact form. Please fix it ImgDino.

Thank you!
Received Payment from tiger and Serve..Never Missed one though.. You guys rock..!!
Please fix the uploading issue asap OP.. !!

thank you
Imgserve banned me saying my traffic aren't allowed anymore and my payment will be processed this week. So waiting for my payment. Just reminding. username: sahan29
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