thank you for sharing your experience here.2th payment received, ever superfast!
Added after 2 minutes:
We don't count hits. We count real image views and as mentioned on our affiliate program page and WJ thread that we count 1 view from 1 IP per 24 hours. Our report system is working properly and updates every 3 minute.Ok did not past my test, unless there not updating over an hour. I sent 15 hits today and only 1 counted. Hits were from my website, can you please explain?
Added after 1:
thank you for explaining and helping him.It count 1 IP/24H, if you have sent 15 hits with the same IP.... :DOk did not past my test, unless there not updating over an hour. I sent 15 hits today and only 1 counted. Hits were from my website, can you please explain?
Added after 10 minutes:
no is not the same IP is network of people I know who sent hits to test there server out, be careful, means they might be shaving, I have no issues with Gallerynova.SE
I would like to ask Imgrock, why are my network of affiliates I sent hits from not counting accurately?
We are doing reviews for image hosts and URL shortners and you did not past our test, can you explain this please?
Every image host or any other website on internet works on their own methods and rules as well as reporting system. If you wanna test a site, first thing you have to research about their working pattern. Reporting and revenue is different things as well as hits and image views. Image view is when user opens your link and click on "Continue to image" button and goes on next page where he can see real image. We count it as one view and if its his first view within past 24 hours it will generate revenue but if its 2nd, it will not generate revenue but count a view in report. Also we don't count adblocked views. It means adblocked views will not show in any report.
2nd if you did this accurately then let me know your username?
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