There was problem in your payment info. Money is back in your imgrock account balance. Please correct it and request payout again.Hi,View attachment 145
Should I be worried? Give me a time frame maybe?
Any help will be appreciated.
Maybe that was a mistake by payment processor. Let us know if your issue resolved or refund that payment if you can and let me know. We'll send it again from verified paypal account.Imgrock's Paypal account is unverified and the payment is being held by Paypal pending review now.
Maybe that was a mistake by payment processor. Let us know if your issue resolved or refund that payment if you can and let me know. We'll send it again from verified paypal account.
Thank you
Thank you. we try our best to keep everything in order.Best counting ever
Hello,counting suc...
what the hell did you do?
my earnings dropped like a hell
fix it
stop shaving
We've checked and everything is working fine.No way. I do whatever i do like always
Your site and counting has a problem for sure
I never talk before i try
Of course you will not appear here and accept ur shave