ImGrill.Com - Get Paid Up to $5 Per 1000 Image Views | Adult , Non Adult

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To All The Users
We are very sorry for the late payment waiting time, We are currently facing some issues in the payment area, We will try our best to pay all of you by tomorrow and we will again get back on track ie send payments as soon as we can like we used to in the start.
All the users that requested payments before 9/10/13 have been paid, If u guys want anything added to site or any request then please let us know via writing a ticket.
account: Pat leguenusername: lebienaimeHello,For the 1st time i want finally make a request but request payment page is not available when I click button ???!!I have only "Payments HistoryNo payment history available " page...Same bug if i want check "payment configuration" page.What's happen??Please fix that because I'll be crazy since months i use your service...Thanks.
account: Pat leguenusername: lebienaimeHello,For the 1st time i want finally make a request but request payment page is not available when I click button ???!!I have only "Payments History No payment history available " page...Same bug if i want check "payment configuration" page.What's happen?? Please fix that because I'll be crazy since months i use your service...Thanks.
Hey There is no problem here, When we are about to pay users we approve the current ones and then hold the payment requesting till those payments are done
Hello, There is a problem here... Still can't access to the request page. Please check it better what is the problem I have (I used IE 10, Chrome but always same problem). If i click request button I have always the history payment page... Thanks to fix that.
Sir Like i said earlier the problem is caused by us stopping the payment request during the payday, So users will be paid today whom requested earlier, and when the payments are done today then you can easily request your payment. I am sorry for the inconvenience that is caused by us to you Yours Sincerely Msk
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