- Earn up to $5/1000 views

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Then try to create a thumbnail from a movie with Media Player Classic.
Using flash upload you will see this:

To easily solve this, just process the image again after get the thumbnail from Media Player. After get the thumbnail, for example, use free Image Resizer 4 (now renamed to Light Image Resizer) or any image resize app and then upload.

Kerzol, are you uploading a video file to the site?

---------- Post added at 09:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------

nm, I see the image you uploaded Kerzol... but I don't see any thumb creation problem, this puzzles us.
We will continue checking of this issue.

This is a bug of xFilesharing to process images from some thumbnail creators, I already saw this issue in others image hosting that uses this scrpit.
@OneManCrew, I think it's maybe, because the problem with the thumbnail generated is some config/codec or compression method from Media Player to create/save the image, but I tested with others thumbnail creators and got the same issue when uploaded to a image host.
OMC...remove the adult banner ads from non adult stuff...people complaining..

Hey, uhmm what exactly are you talking about? right now is "ONLY" for adult picture storage service. we don't have the option for none adult picture storage service right now even though it's planned.
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Guys they are still in BETA, we have OneManCrew's word, me too waiting for raise tier 2 and add these countries to start upload...

Today we will raise the tier 2 a bit and add UK to it.

---------- Post added at 07:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:04 AM ----------

Admin, what is the need for this?

Well, it's an option to move files from the file host service sites listed in that list you showed and move them to your account at, but bare in mind that accepts only image files I.E. .jpg .gif .png .jpeg meaning if you try to move video files rar or zip files it won't work.

Hope this answer your question.
The British Are Coming!
gstq.jpg is proud to add the United Kingdom to our tier 2.
Earning you mind blowing $0.85 per 1000 views.

That's on top the leading payout of $5 per 1000 views for tier 1.

They are still the host whit highest payouts so..

---------- Post added at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:10 PM ----------

You should update the website Afilliate page, admin.
Working on it...

---------- Post added 24th Apr 2013 at 08:47 AM ---------- Previous post was 23rd Apr 2013 at 09:23 PM ----------

Affiliate page updated.
Add Germany...Btw..Switzerland has a different flag xD
You pay for download image or just for visit?
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