- Make money sharing Adult images, $6 CPM + 10% referral, Daily Payment!

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They removed my account without notice and without any reason. About a year I use this account Why now you delete account? In the account I have $10 pending playments and 5 usd in account balans. What's happening? I can give you links where I have uploaded photos. I work celebrates! I hope you to be honest! User: Fearless1989
That because i got too much Complaint by a Third Party — Infringement of Copyright about all image you uploaded These user : ezgame Fearless1989 prasshu
I'm very confuse right now. Can you please check pm and explain what you mean? Is there something wrong with my traffic? What do you mean by direct link? I thought this was already solve last time.

Added after 1 Day 12 Hours:

I'm so disappointed with you. I can't believe you can't track my traffic source link.
You send me only homepage i need these links you post with ImgMega
You are asking for an impossible task. Shame on you.
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suddenly imgmega ask my traffic resources, and pending my payment

i'm using this host about almost 1 year and this host asking this???
u r trusted coz good response and good payment, and we use imgmega for long term work
please don't disapointing us here
suddenly imgmega ask my traffic resources, and pending my payment

i'm using this host about almost 1 year and this host asking this???
u r trusted coz good response and good payment, and we use imgmega for long term work
please don't disapointing us here

Yeah they ask for traffic source before they pay. If you don't respond then you wont get paid. They don't do this before and its strange because its delaying our payment.
They ask for something impossible for me.
you send me only homepage i need these links you post with ImgMega
How am I supposed to track them? It's not like I use 1 host and/or couple of post each day. And tracking the mega posts is near impossible. I tried to track on 1 source and it took me 20minutes to find one. And they want me to send LINKS of post with Imgmega. I believe other host can do the tracking themselves. Like imgtiger, they knew something is wrong with a certain post of mine so they gave me the link and had me explain it (we solve it hand in hand). I find imgmega's current action weird.
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The site should ask for traffic sources on sign up, you are voiding your contract with your publishers by holding payment due to confustion in where they are traffic is coming from? do you not have a tracker to check if IP is a datacenter, VPS, Proxy, if they are real IP there should be no questioning your publishers. Again you should ask that on sign up on how they will be promoting before approving them. Asking them at withdrawl and holding there payment hostage is unethical way to do business.

Edit: also one more thing, Publishers should not have to tell there secrets, cause how they know you wont use it for yourself?

If they can say forum, website or torrent, that should be enough, if you have issues and think they are frauding, then check the IPs of the traffic. As long your not losing money or your seeing proxy hits, then you should be fine.
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