- Earn up to 8.00$/1000 views - PayPal, Payza, Webmoney, Skrill, BTC

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When will paypal be back? And when will BTC be implemented?

PayPal won't be back! We are planning to add BTC in the near future! :)

Is there a issue with Payoneer too? My payment still waiting.

Yes there is problem with Payoneer. We already contacted with support because they said we reached monthly limit (but this is not true). They promised that they will investigate our problem.

i guess u re doing something wrong it cant be possible that all ur acount are being suspended, while other host have no problem with paypal etc

We are not the only one who have problem with PayPal and Skrill. We have no problem with Payza and WMZ because they are not so strict. Once all imagehosts will be ban at PayPal.

Dear uploaders,

As you requested, we added Bitcoin as payout option! You can request there your earnings! :) We sent Payoneer payments, it seems they fixed our issue. Payza, Webmoney payments are also sent! We are try to fix Skrill issue and we will pay all users! If you don't want to wait for Skrill feel free to contact us and we can pay with other way :)

Thank you to stay with us and working with us! :)

You have to choose Bitcoin as payout method and you have to add your BTC address and we will conversate your earning from USD to BTC. I hope its understand now :)

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