- Earn up to 8.00$/1000 views - PayPal, Payza, Webmoney, Skrill, BTC

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Hi Puta .
I just register this site and share my photo around 100 view but i cant see my money take and infomation payment , i click affililate open alert "Your affiliate account is in pending" . Sory my english so bad .
My first payment :) ..thank you admin.Just one thing i dont understand..why did you send me one normal payment (in USD) and one in TWD(taiwanian dollars)?Was it mistake or something?

I am breaking my personal records in traffic (dunno it is because of holidays and people wants more porn lol) and PuTa always pays fastest among all hoster! :)

We sent all PayPal payments, but we have problem with Skrill payments. We are out of money there any we can't upload temporary.

We will solve this problem somehow, but Skrill payments will be slower than usual. If somebody can exchange from PayPal to Skrill PM me.

Thank you for your understanding! :)

Happy New Year for all ImgCandy and ImgTube member!

We sent the first payments in 2015! :) Thank you for use our service keep upload and earn money! ;)

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