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my id: imversh
i request 2014-10-24 but payment pending...

Hi imversh, we are having some problems with your paypal account, because when we try to sent you the payment paypal advice as not to send you because your paypal account doesn't exist. Please can you review your registered Paypal account so we can send your payment as soon as possible?

Can you clear that pending payment. I will change my payment info properly. But i can't new request because i have payment pending.

Hi imversh, we are having some problems with your paypal account, because when we try to sent you the payment paypal advice as not to send you because your paypal account doesn't exist. Please can you review your registered Paypal account so we can send your payment as soon as possible?

Can you clear that pending payment. I will change my payment info properly. But i can't new request because i have payment pending.


We have deleted your payment, please request it again so we can send you inmediately
Hello ImgBanana,

We have been receiving complaints about the pending payments. We need a status/updates of what's going on?

You haven't done any payment for the past two weeks and today is the 3rd weeks payout.

You have till 3 days time to pay everyone or else you will be banned from this forum for scamming users.

Site is working as far as showing the pics but the owner cutoff contact with his posters.
I have 323 threads and over 3000 pics posted that are all working and providing this scammer with income.
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