Official Announcement.

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Dear affiliates and users of our platform, This thread is to clean up our reputation and to inform you that we will not longer provide support on WJunction community. As you can see our official thread was closed unfairly. Because we did not paid 2 users (possible cheaters) that we will describe below. As a service provider we have our "own" terms of service and techniques to combat fraud, cheaters, etc. But the position of the moderators/administrators on this forum is "pay your due payments" doesnt matter if the users are cheaters. So they are trying to manage our service and impose their own rules. This section is used as an support thread related to technical questions and suggestions by users and we don't have to explain why we blocked a account for fraud or why a payment is on hold for investigation. We've had previous cases with cheaters on this forum but we received a previous notification from adminstrator "M", and we demostrated (with screenshots/proof) that the user was cheating us with fake traffic. But this was not the case we haven't received any notification from this moderator "Froomple". So now every time a WJ member try to cheat our service and we ban him they report us to a WJ moderator and we have to send screenshots and clear the case? NO WAY! We are a service provider and we have our own rules. NOW LETS ANALYZE THE TWO USERS COMPLAINING ABOUT DUE PAYMENTS: Warner and quartz: ON IMBabes they are Jeminer and malakadabra. The user Jeminer only use a traffic source which is (This site is locked for guests, so we can't very if there a real thread or not, and we don't want to register on this forum only to check this user posts). We asked the user Jeminer(Warner) for his user and pass to access the forum and verify their posts. And he denied it: NOW LETS ANLYZE THE USER quartz "On IMGBabes is malakadabra". QUARTZ claims he own several accounts but when we checked it he only has 5 or 7 shares with other bloggers and most of their traffic does not have a refer: HERE BOTH USERS WITH PENDING PAYMENT (on hold) on other cases we terminate their account(s): We don't have any problem paying big or small amounts of money. But we are very strict with fraudulent traffic sources. And we are not scammers, we've sent over $15,000 in payments since our start up on July. Doesn't matter if you earn big money with us, you always will get your payment (Payment sent this past friday to one of our best affiliates): All payments has been successfully processed. ALL paymets has been successfully processed. IMGFLARE: We will pay $7 for normal posters and $9 for website owners(Alexa rank must be over 30,000 to qualify) we will e-mail you with details. IMGFlare's benefits: -Free content (Amateur content only) -List of traffic sources (forums and sites that will make you earn big money). We will provide this list of sites to affiliates earning less than $10 per week on will be private, for super affiliates only and the best users. -Will offer weekly backups like For support contact us at: IMG Babes - Adult Image Hosting or imgbabes [at] With Best Regards, clara IMGBabes Support. bye WJ.
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I have to agree with clara on this one. Remember imgnext, users were complaining about payments not being sent for weeks but mods were so slow on closing the thread, they even reopened it for a while. And for imgbabes just because 2 users didn't get paid possibly trying to cheat thread was closed very fast.
Just to inform that no, I'm neither Jeminer nor malakadabra. My username at Imgbabes is locolotion. I've sent at least 5 e-mails asking for clarifications about the pending status and got no return. The email I used was mo**** I even sent you a PM here with this information. The site I'm sending traffic from is not a forum and it's not closed. Maybe you're mistaking me with someone else, but I won't accept you accusing me falsely. And BTW, my payment of $6.86 is pending since 2013-11-18
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I have to agree with you clara!!
Froomple, I think you are mistaken.
I do not start to explain it, why... but if you want.. I can.
You locked a paying site's thread, because of some cheaters.
Now we (honest users) will get much less information about the site.
I think its not a good decision.
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And here are two screenshots of my account there. It's still working and, as I said, my username there is locolotion. So don't go accusing me of being another user.

edit: Oh, and look, I found a user called malakadabra here in wjunction. And guess what? That account is not mine. Ask the mods to check if you want.
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My last payment was delayed (so does everybody and we know the reason) but I got it. IMGBabes does pay. No question on it.
@Warner The problem is that you are posting on a locked site for guests and we are confused because we banned you in the past. So we have problems to trust you again. If you can send us your login details to review your posts on that site to release your payment tomorrow.
You said I was banned please tell me on what conclusion you said I was banned?

Btw its not like I haven't been paid by them, I have been paid but its just one time that I see they are unnecessarily blocking my payment, which infact my traffic is 100% genuine in spite of giving them proofs of image threads along with the url.

And please check the reputation of my home website where I post, its very popular around the globe its just you fail to access it. You need to find a way to get in. Why should I be giving you my login details, haven't you heard something about privacy.
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received 2nd payment from imgbabes so think of wj staff to give them a 2nd chance to re-open thread and fix the issues if any.(don't close topic for 2 affiliates)
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How on earth did you earn almost 10$ without uploading at least 10MB content?
"Used space 0.00 of 50 GB"
Maybe it really needs some investigation...
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quartz How on earth did you earn almost 10$ without uploading at least 10MB content? "Used space 0.00 of 50 GB" Maybe it really needs some investigation...
Maybe I decided to delete all the images because my payment was pending since half a month and they wouldn't reply to my tickets? Is that a good enough reason for you?
For anyone who cares, here's the only e-mail I received from imgbabes regarding my payment.

Notice how the problematic source is not a forum nor a desi site. Notice how my e-mail address matches and how the ID they use to refer to me in the e-mail matches with the one in the screenshots I posted.
Yesterday I sent a PM to clara here, before he/she created this thread. In that PM I clearly stated my ID and the site that I was asked for clarification.

Did I receive a reply? No. Nothing.
She created this topic but didn't bother replying my PM.
I kept the images and kept sharing the images for half a month with payment pending and no contact from their side regarding how to receive the payment. I thought they were taking more time to reply because of all the upgrading so I waited. Nothing again. So, enough, delete the images and stop using them until they clear my situation.
If you rather keep sharing and helping a site/company that is holding your payment and is not answering your questions, I bet the site/company will enjoy having you around. I'm not here for that.
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Maybe I decided to delete all the images because my payment was pending since half a month and they wouldn't reply to my tickets? Is that a good enough reason for you?

Sorry for saying that, but not enough reason for me.
Deleting all your images a few hours after you sent pm to clara, and ask for help...
Deleting all your images when you need to prove your position....
Destroying all your arguments...

I think your story is a little bit suspicious.

BTW I agree with you that not answering for pm-s is not nice.

But locking a well paying site's thread because of this kind of mysterious stories... very strange for me.
imgbabes is so far best site i know..!!
here are my payment proofs..

Last tym they even gave me 10% bonus ..may be for one delayed payment :P

Sorry for saying that, but not enough reason for me. Deleting all your images a few hours after you sent pm to clara, and ask for help... Deleting all your images when you need to prove your position.... Destroying all your arguments... I think your story is a little bit suspicious. BTW I agree with you that not answering for pm-s is not nice. But locking a well paying site's thread because of this kind of mysterious stories... very strange for me.
If you're fine leaving your images there, with the links working and helping them earn some money while you wait, without a clue about whether you'll receive even a reply, good for you. I'm not really fine with that. Like I said, I've waited since November 20th. Since then I kept the images and even shared some, hoping they'd answer. Nothing from their side, despite I trying to contacting them more than once.
Besides, I didn't ask the other thread to be locked and I didn't even contacted a moderator about this issue. I just complained about my situation in the thread and was waiting for an answer that never came.
The staff from IMGBabes (the only people that care, actually) should have the logs they need to check my situation, regardless of whether I delete the images or not. If they don't, what kind of service are they running?
Worst of all, clara comes here, opens this thread, accuses me of being malakadabra in IMGBabes (which I believe I have given enough proof to prove that I'm not, neither am Jeminer) and ignores my PM? I'm sorry but this doesn't seem right to me.
I already pointed out that there's a user in WJunction with the username malakadabra and that account is not mine. Again, WJunction staff should be able to check and confirm.

I'm not accusing IMGbabes of being a scam or of being a bad host that doesn't pay its members. I'm accusing IMGBabes of ignoring my attempts to contact them to try to resolve my situation. And while I'm trying I decided to stop using their services and decided to delete the images because there's really no reason to keep the images there, with the links out there, helping them earn money with no sign of willingness of cooperation from their side.
1. Yes, your thread was closed as you never responded to the support queries of users posting on the thread, while you had a "Official Support Thread". What's the point of having a support thread, when you do not respond to any queries?

2. You claim they are cheaters, why did you never post anything on the thread, prove that their claims are wrong on the thread and keep them shut ? You seem to be very clever and post stuffs NOW after we closed your thread. Shows how professional you are in your approach.

Clear all payment dues and then your thread might be opened. Do not ignore support queries when you have a support thread here at WJunction.


This was posted by me. Yes, users kept complaining about your host, and this was not the first time. We are not blind people who would just close a thread just because 2 people complained. We kept this thread open for about 3-4 weeks even after it was reported, WHY ?
Because we hoped your so-called support thread, would respond to all queries. But what happened instead? You never responded to their claims.

This section is used as an support thread related to technical questions and suggestions by users and we don't have to explain why we blocked a account for fraud or why a payment is on hold for investigation.

Since when did you become the owner of WJunction and decide the purpose of sections? ?
This thread is posted on "Affiliate programs promotion", which clearly means that it deals with payment and support. According to your theory, you claim to say that... "I can go on and promote my affiliate system, but i'll never respond to payment queries and abuses.".

And this is to all those users who seem to be misunderstanding the whole point here.
We are in no way affiliated with such hosts and have no intention to do so. We are voluntarily moderating this forum and trying to prevent people from getting scammed, as well as prevent scammers on board.

We never mentioned clara was a scammer, nor warner or any other user as cheaters. In ImgBabes's case, we have given them enough time to respond to the queries, instead they chose to bash me and make us look fools. lol.

We'd always investigate into the issue and then come into conclusions. In this case, we never concluded anything. All i am asking is,
"who stopped you from proving that you are right? "You were open to PM me and resolve this issue by proving those users "wrong".
You never did that, and posted this thread in a very professional way.

Good bye.
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We've had previous cases with cheaters on this forum but we received a previous notification from adminstrator "M", and we demostrated (with screenshots/proof) that the user was cheating us with fake traffic. But this was not the case we haven't received any notification from this moderator "Froomple".
closing threads without any notification is not professional.

In ImgBabes's case, we have given them enough time to respond to the queries, instead they chose to bash me and make us look fools. lol.
never heard service providers have to respond to all queries. there is a lot of ignored queries on file hosting official support. So all threads should be closed.

and clara responded to Warner but he refused to gave login details.

Everyone knows you did a mistake. Why you did not close imgmoney imgcloud threads so fast?
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