Come on, there is no point to be scam too soon. Surely he gonna pay us i guess or not?
29 payments are paid (please post proof), two users banned because of bots, we are checking in detail 2 suspicious accounts ... payza users ... please change payment processor .... we dont use payza ... dakata, u will be paid tomorrow, we have some problems with skrill ... thanks for using img-pay ...
29 payments are paid (please post proof), two users banned because of bots, we are checking in detail 2 suspicious accounts ... payza users ... please change payment processor .... we dont use payza ... dakata, u will be paid tomorrow, we have some problems with skrill ... thanks for using img-pay ...
OMG why dont sad ASAP (as soon as posible ) I was freaking out
PS: That`s why I ask you for skype ,I stop upload in your site before 1 week and i want to start again but we will see after payment
Chears !!!
Thanks :-=
Thanks :-=
Your request - 10.05 paid, my 10.03 not paid? wtf?
Payments History
[TABLE="class: ui-widget ui-widget-content, width: 730"]
[TR="class: ui-widget-header"]
[TD]Date Request[/TD]
[TD]Date Recived[/TD]
[TD]Amount Recived[/TD]
[TD]Admin comment[/TD]
[TD]Transaction details[/TD]
[TR="class: yellowcolor"]
[TD] 2015-10-03 05:42:56[/TD]
[TD] 0000-00-00 00:00:00[/TD]
[TD] 5.3174 $[/TD]
[TD] 0[/TD]
[TD] appproved[/TD]
pcmn I still w8 my payment what happend![]()
payment option can not be changed when there is a pending payment!
what are the methods that pay?
payment option can not be changed when there is a pending payment!
what are the methods that pay?
you have payment options in first post .... please read .... wmz, payoneer, paypal, skrill ...
So why is there a Payza option in your site if you don't have it? We have to check your topic to know about this? And Why don't you back mail and warn us to change to another option? You are unprofessional.
I write here. Change my option to Paypal or however you gonna pay
my username = almerias
mail = My Paypal mail same with Payza.