Imagetwist- Oldest and #1 paying image host.


Active Member

Most of you already know about us. We have been going on/off on wjunction from quite a while now due to some problems but now everything is solved and now let me help you guys make some money ;)

I'd like to mention some updates which took place in recent months:-

  • We now pay via bitcoin and paypal
  • We pay higher than before for all tiers
  • We have recently done a total makeover and improved our UI
  • We reduced our ads (even before we had less ads)
  • We now pay faster - bitcoin payouts are everyday and skrill wait period is decreased to 5-7 days from 30 days.
  • We do bonus weeks time to time and give bonuses to our users.
  • We are over skype, Livechat, email, icq to help you anytime.
  • We have API
  • We have Vbulletin mod for webmasters and they can earn alot with it.

You can find about our reward program details here: ImageTwist - Free Image Hosting, Photo sharing & Earn Money

I would like to take this opportunity and announce EXCLUSIVELY first on Wjunction that we are again back with our $1000 Contest. Details about this content will be given to every members within 24 hours in this thread. Banners are ready too!

Our $1000 contest is Back!!! And you can now apply for it. Read details here.

If you need details about our program, You can visit : ( i cannot post links due to low no. of post, just visit our website )

If you have any issue/anger/complaint/feedback or even love for us, you can contact here or my email directly at hp at ( replace at with @) ;)

Don't forget to give your feedback about our new looks!.
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Some of my new upload screenshot image are gone after i posted on a few sites , no reason was given for the deleted image , but i suspect one of my competitor reported my image on a site with few hundred thousand member that i have posted on . but my image stay after i stop posting them on that site . So i think imagetwist is not so safe to use as image uploaded are easily deleted without reason .
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Imagetwist gives all data about every user to almost every person who ask for it. You can ask Imagetwist about that and got proof.
That is sirious data breach.....

We work with forums to stop spammers/repeat offenders and we will keep doing it. We only tell them if this is posted by same old userthey are just interested if its by spammer or some new user. Sharing personal info is not needed.

We ban these users from our network itself after 1 or 2 warnings. Working with forums is what keeping imagetwist different from anothers and we will not jeopardize our interested due to some random spammer wants to make extra buck or 2.

About payments - we have been paying faster or slower from last 10 years, and we will keep on doing that. No need to worry on that part. Our process is slow and manual to keep hackers out of the line. Posting here will defiantly not get you paid fast, we will pay when your turn will come even if you post it here or not. But you might hit our email if delay is over 25 days. We usually aim that payout request list should not cross 30 days.

Thanks but i do not visit forums visit due to my busy schedule, hit me over email if you need any help.

The gallery function shows my images in the wrong order. If I upload pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5, the gallery shows them in the order pic5 pic4 pic3 pic2 pic1.
Can this be fixed?

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