Imagetwist- Oldest and #1 paying image host.


Active Member

Most of you already know about us. We have been going on/off on wjunction from quite a while now due to some problems but now everything is solved and now let me help you guys make some money ;)

I'd like to mention some updates which took place in recent months:-

  • We now pay via bitcoin and paypal
  • We pay higher than before for all tiers
  • We have recently done a total makeover and improved our UI
  • We reduced our ads (even before we had less ads)
  • We now pay faster - bitcoin payouts are everyday and skrill wait period is decreased to 5-7 days from 30 days.
  • We do bonus weeks time to time and give bonuses to our users.
  • We are over skype, Livechat, email, icq to help you anytime.
  • We have API
  • We have Vbulletin mod for webmasters and they can earn alot with it.

You can find about our reward program details here: ImageTwist - Free Image Hosting, Photo sharing & Earn Money

I would like to take this opportunity and announce EXCLUSIVELY first on Wjunction that we are again back with our $1000 Contest. Details about this content will be given to every members within 24 hours in this thread. Banners are ready too!

Our $1000 contest is Back!!! And you can now apply for it. Read details here.

If you need details about our program, You can visit : ( i cannot post links due to low no. of post, just visit our website )

If you have any issue/anger/complaint/feedback or even love for us, you can contact here or my email directly at hp at ( replace at with @) ;)

Don't forget to give your feedback about our new looks!.
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Would like to say Thank You, that you are a trusted partner of K-K from the beginning, and I'm sure, that it will lasts for a long time...
Our users like you very much, and we trust in you!

Keep on the good work! :)


Thank you as well and yes indeed it will. We love our userbase as well. Imagetwist is more of a passion for us than a money making machine. From day 1 our focus is on stability, reliability and quality.

We'll keep up the standards ;)

It would be nice to be able to post imagetwist images on porn-w dot org. I could stop using a second imagehost just for them, have more time for uploading and posting.
Vipergirls is on a 'No Affiliate Image Hosts' kick right now. Maybe when they notice that 90% of the posters have left them, they will change it.
It used to be a few hours before a post was pushed off the first page of a section there. Now I notice that posts from 5-6 days ago are still on first pages! Can't be good for visitor traffic.

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