Imagetwist- Oldest and #1 paying image host.


First i now you always pay !

But why you put on your site Payza payment 5-7 days ...

When in real it takes mostly 3-4 weeks ......
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Because the business is expanding to thousands of people world wide every single day, and with that comes some new and good things and some bad and old things.

Mainly IT team spend time determining who use bots and other systems in order to get clicks here and there...
All this takes a lot of time, because today's youth does not want to work, they are all like, Crypto and quick profits overnight, so they use bots and really don't care about anything, if you don't pay them they will go from forum to forum and put bad words on your legit business.
You/We need to keep in mind that the team every day has to deal with idiots.

Anyway one thing is certain, if you/me/others have not done anything wrong you/me/others will be paid, simple as that ( :
For 24h or 30 days, I don't really care because I understand some things.

This is a business, when you/me ask for payment you are not only one on the list, just you or me, there are hundreds of us every day requesting payments...
First you need to check any suspicious activity which, unfortunately there are many of course, and it take a lot of time.

I do understand both sides btw, IT and people who spends hours and hours every single day working with IT to generate some income.
It is very stressful sometimes to understand it (how this system work), sometimes we really need urgently money etc etc, try to relax and all that negative energy add into a positive one, move and think about how to double your earnings!

Good luck to everyone!
I see on the site today: "Bitcoin payments are temporarily halted due to network congestion, please check our twitter page to vote for bitcoin alternative."

Ok, good, but what about stuck bitcoin payments? I have one from you on Dec. 12, 2017, still pending, 0 confirmations.
When I search the transaction # on blockcypher, it says: "No transaction found with that hash".
When I try to rebroadcast the transaction to the bitcoin network, I get: "PUSH TRANSACTION ERROR: 66: MEMPOOL MIN FEE NOT MET".
This has been going on for almost a month. It seems this transaction can never be completed. My username is warphead.
Everyone, do not forget to go to Twitter - to vote.

"We are exploring other cryptocurrencies to add and replace bitcoin which are fast and have low network fee.
Please suggest us some good bitcoin alternative or vote below for the one which you would like us to look into"

ImageTwist on Twitter just 3 days left.


  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Bitcoin Cash Digibyte (BCH)
  • Digibyte ( DGB)
Very fine imagehost !!!
I also have also state PENDING payment from 2018-01-08 by Webmoney and Your position in List > 150
Hope it's some more delay because really imagehost always pay and stable
Very fine imagehost !!!
I also have also state PENDING payment from 2018-01-08 by Webmoney and Your position in List > 150
Hope it's some more delay because really imagehost always pay and stable

I think they have a problem with their ads affiliate they have not been paid from them that's what they said to me in the live chat
"Ok, good, but what about stuck bitcoin payments? I have one from you on Dec. 12, 2017, still pending, 0 confirmations.
When I search the transaction # on blockcypher, it says: "No transaction found with that hash".
When I try to rebroadcast the transaction to the bitcoin network, I get: "PUSH TRANSACTION ERROR: 66: MEMPOOL MIN FEE NOT MET".
This has been going on for almost a month. It seems this transaction can never be completed. My username is warphead"

This transaction finally disappeared from my BTC wallet last weekend, however the amount doesn't seem to be restored to my balance?
starletfan@ we try solve issue by paying more fee.we are waiting to get response form wallet provider to process it.
leobree@ we will let you everything in details in short time.
madness@ may i know much payment method did you choose to payoff ?
That feeling when every day you slowly raise your daily earnings and then in basically one second 99% of the daily earnings disappear!
And you have to do everything all over again ...

Since this happened every year starting from 2012, you will think that we could get used to this sort of thing, but it is not possible ...
Oh my god, pain in the ass!

I had just reached $20 a day and now I need to do all over again ...

And I was about to share my successful story to encourage every single one of you here and, dang it!
Shit happens I guess ...

But it is ok, I am more then just happy for my results so far this month with ImageTwist.
I fell my whole life down, one step up two down, and I've always stood up again, so I will now!

Happy earnings everybody!

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