Did anyone else noted that Earnings have dropped about 40-50% since yesterday (Friday 11.08.2017).
Stats are counting with normal value...
I wouldn't call that fixed.
Do you want to know exact date? June 5th or 6th. First week of June for sure.
So now it's like to like (stay) or not (leave)? Your way of thinking is pathetic dude.
@It-Support[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]There always should be a little bit of criticism, it helps us get better and we should accept it if it is reasonable. In my opinion, my point of view is a good reason.
I am not going to leave, but as a member, I want to know why the rates drop from time to time. And saying about fantasy stories is a try of defending yourself on a public forum. Ok, it's understandable, but be more polite please. I don't want to attack or blame you, but come on, we both (or all) know that the earnings changes MUCH from time to time.
Hi it support,
I sent email for follow my payment (status on-hold) again and again but no anyon reply me???
Hi it support,
I sent email for follow my payment (status on-hold) again and again but no anyon reply me???
Yes, we do have. Please pm me your username.
Hello I am premium member and my payment is still pending since 3 or 4 days I see evey day that position in List is decreased but no payment !!Yes, we do have. Please pm me your username.
Yes, we do have. Please pm me your username.
i was sended my username two days ago. can you help me?
Hello I am premium member and my payment is still pending since 3 or 4 days I see evey day that position in List is decreased but no payment !!Yes, we do have. Please pm me your username.
if I upgraded my account to premium and requesting the payment just because I'm in a hurry!! I need to pay one guy in webmoney
so thanks my user is the same as this one
Bad image host! Payments are not stable. Well, if every two weeks.
@It-Support please check a pm I sent you yesterday about a payment problem, thank you.