Imagetwist- Oldest and #1 paying image host.


Active Member

Most of you already know about us. We have been going on/off on wjunction from quite a while now due to some problems but now everything is solved and now let me help you guys make some money ;)

I'd like to mention some updates which took place in recent months:-

  • We now pay via bitcoin and paypal
  • We pay higher than before for all tiers
  • We have recently done a total makeover and improved our UI
  • We reduced our ads (even before we had less ads)
  • We now pay faster - bitcoin payouts are everyday and skrill wait period is decreased to 5-7 days from 30 days.
  • We do bonus weeks time to time and give bonuses to our users.
  • We are over skype, Livechat, email, icq to help you anytime.
  • We have API
  • We have Vbulletin mod for webmasters and they can earn alot with it.

You can find about our reward program details here: ImageTwist - Free Image Hosting, Photo sharing & Earn Money

I would like to take this opportunity and announce EXCLUSIVELY first on Wjunction that we are again back with our $1000 Contest. Details about this content will be given to every members within 24 hours in this thread. Banners are ready too!

Our $1000 contest is Back!!! And you can now apply for it. Read details here.

If you need details about our program, You can visit : ( i cannot post links due to low no. of post, just visit our website )

If you have any issue/anger/complaint/feedback or even love for us, you can contact here or my email directly at hp at ( replace at with @) ;)

Don't forget to give your feedback about our new looks!.
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He is wonderful. Never fails to pay. There may be delays for reasons beyond his control but he pays everybody provided you send genuine traffic.

Thanks buddy
Well, wmz payments had log jam of 2 months and since we started receiving it from 2 advertisers now so it reduced to 17 days now. Maybe a week more and then wmz payments will be back to normal.

Edit: We have also found a solution for bitcoin payment, We will buy it from a local website in our local currency, It has better rates compared to localbitcoin. we have submitted our docs and waiting for our account to verify so we can start buying, They have a fee which we are paying for now but maybe if this works out, we'll have a permanent source of bitcoin and half fee on us and half on users. We'll pre-announce before applying any fee, so don't worry.
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why don't admin ban imagetwist on wjunction

there are other forums which are now banning imagetwist or have given them warning as they pay very late or do shaving

now thumbs are redirecting due to some virus....admin should ban this site has lost its credibility

You can see the comments in this thread...everyone is complaining that payment is not received.
why don't admin ban imagetwist on wjunction

there are other forums which are now banning imagetwist or have given them warning as they pay very late or do shaving

now thumbs are redirecting due to some virus....admin should ban this site has lost its credibility

You can see the comments in this thread...everyone is complaining that payment is not received.

Could you stop talking about banning them? They are paying even when it is slow for some Payment Type they still always paid me so stop talking bs.
Edit: We have also found a solution for bitcoin payment, We will buy it from a local website in our local currency, It has better rates compared to localbitcoin. we have submitted our docs and waiting for our account to verify so we can start buying, They have a fee which we are paying for now but maybe if this works out, we'll have a permanent source of bitcoin and half fee on us and half on users. We'll pre-announce before applying any fee, so don't worry.

So you have a solution and what? STILL NOTHING!!!
ask them to pay on time, people out here are not fool,
i switched months ago from imagetwist to pixsense and now i think that i made a correct choice, as pixsense always pay on time
you guys are doing something wrong, jesus.

It-Support always stated that paypal and BTC are slow af.
and i dit aswell when the shoutbox was still working directly on IT, i always said just dont use BTC,PP,Payza

since 2011 i´ve never had any problem (Webmoney,Skrill)
is it that hard to wait 2 weeks for some payments? i dont think so.
you guys are doing something wrong, jesus.

It-Support always stated that paypal and BTC are slow af.
and i dit aswell when the shoutbox was still working directly on IT, i always said just dont use BTC,PP,Payza

since 2011 i´ve never had any problem (Webmoney,Skrill)

is it that hard to wait 2 weeks for some payments? i dont think so.

Not true. I used webmoney and skrill and I changed for btc because of delays and they said btc is fastest way to payout. Now I'm waiting 7 weeks. I'm paying them for a premium account and I have to waiting months?
Webmoney payments were always in time (approximately 1 week), but now it is 3 weeks already.
And as I'm looking queue in front of me, they will need more 2-3 weeks to pay all.
romanempire, you are fabulous asshole (finger)

No, he is not. I would like to see any other affiliate program do this, with a claim of extenuating circumstances or no, and be allowed to remain on here.
There is a standard for conducting business. Other programs are meeting that standard. This one is not.
As for PP, BTC, etc being slow, why are others able to pay one time with those. Why does imagetwist offer them if they are a problem? Why do they claim x days when it is x weeks?
That said, romanempire and others complaining, I would recommend not using it if you don't like it. No one is forcing you to use them. Or do what I'm doing, just use them a little bit, so that the amount of $ you have to wait for is small, not something you're depending on.

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