Imagetwist- Oldest and #1 paying image host.


Active Member

Most of you already know about us. We have been going on/off on wjunction from quite a while now due to some problems but now everything is solved and now let me help you guys make some money ;)

I'd like to mention some updates which took place in recent months:-

  • We now pay via bitcoin and paypal
  • We pay higher than before for all tiers
  • We have recently done a total makeover and improved our UI
  • We reduced our ads (even before we had less ads)
  • We now pay faster - bitcoin payouts are everyday and skrill wait period is decreased to 5-7 days from 30 days.
  • We do bonus weeks time to time and give bonuses to our users.
  • We are over skype, Livechat, email, icq to help you anytime.
  • We have API
  • We have Vbulletin mod for webmasters and they can earn alot with it.

You can find about our reward program details here: ImageTwist - Free Image Hosting, Photo sharing & Earn Money

I would like to take this opportunity and announce EXCLUSIVELY first on Wjunction that we are again back with our $1000 Contest. Details about this content will be given to every members within 24 hours in this thread. Banners are ready too!

Our $1000 contest is Back!!! And you can now apply for it. Read details here.

If you need details about our program, You can visit : ( i cannot post links due to low no. of post, just visit our website )

If you have any issue/anger/complaint/feedback or even love for us, you can contact here or my email directly at hp at ( replace at with @) ;)

Don't forget to give your feedback about our new looks!.
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Thumbnails are quite small for my requirements. Any way of increasing the size?

Like elpatecho said, Default is 170x170, but you can increase them upto 500x500.

Added after 22 Hours 28 minutes:

Fixed an issue where image would save/download by random alphabets, Now it will be saved by its original name.
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Thanks buddy.

Added after 1 Day 22 Hours:

Top 5 leading users in contest so far :

[FONT=&quot]Leading 5 users so far in the contest - 1) tlpi**a2) gox*s3) da**yy4) zgh*5) ni*0nC'mon guys, Still 25 days remaining.[/FONT]
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Like always buddy. Thanks.

Next update will be on 15th of july.

Added after 1 Day 23 Hours:

Top 5 leading users so far in contest1) tlpi**a2) gox*s3) da**yy4) zgh*5) pix**ex5th place has been replaced, Still half way to go :)

0 retweets0 likes
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Thanks for your kind words buddy :)we have some of the great guys like you with us from 2009. Others can't claim this with other sites since most of them don't even last for more than 1-2 years :)

Added after 4 Days 9 Hours:

Just 2 more days and someone will take $1000 home. 2nd winner will take $250 and 3rd, 4th and 5th runner will take $100 in there pocket :) Sit tight guys.

Added after 2 Days 23 Hours:

Thank you everyone who took part, Winners has been announced and payments have been given to all winners.

But big news is we have decide do another contest with MORE winners now, Starting in september, Details will be provided soon.
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We are aware about this, It looks like someone has started a DDOS attacks on us, we are working on it. Setting up security. Would take couple of more minutes to come back!

Added after 37 minutes:

Due to our DC network issue, site has gone offline. Their engineers are working on it and have assured us to be back as soon as possible - Imagetwist Team

Added after 2 Hours 41 minutes:


We are in contact with our DC and they have told us there ON-sight Engineers are working on it. They don't have any ETA


Added after 1 25 minutes:

Since this is taking too much time we have decided to urgently go with new HOST, We have already bought the server and setting things up.

Added after 1 38 minutes:

Things are almost ready on new server and site will be back in: ETA: 1 hour
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[FONT=&amp]Announcing double prices for ALL tires for next 3 days as a compensation for yesterday's downtime.We apologise for inconvenience.[/FONT]

We lost money.. I hope site back soon

Everyone lost money, do you think we made profit from that issue ? tech fees, new server, setup everything costed us for like
2k but no one will compensate us.

However, we will compensate our users. Since we are responsible for them. You can take benefit of DOUBLE prices for next 3 days, i hope you will recover your loss.

We are again sorry for issue.

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Some Images doesn't load properly (not load the thumbnails at all), well some images remain intact (it does load). Is there any trouble with Imagetwist server?

Edit: Now the images are loaded properly!
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