Active Member
Same day or within 24 hours max, never have delayed so far, but still I ask to wait upto 4 days.When do you usually pay?
Same day or within 24 hours max, never have delayed so far, but still I ask to wait upto 4 days.When do you usually pay?
Earnings definitely better than before I hope it does not change and if ever it does, I hope it's only for better. Payment also received quickly. Thanks.
Payment received. And I can see earnings now improved. Hope to improve more. Thanks.
Added after 1 Day 8 Hours:
I am getting this error on my local IP:
The server at can't be found because the DNS look-up failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chromefrom accessing the network.
But I can access it on my VPS. I have cleared cache and cookies but still my local IP is unable to open the site.
I called my ISP support and they resolved it. Thank you.
is $2 CPM fixed? Like you pay $2/1000 views even though the traffic is mixed (coming from all over the world)?
okay, i thought your minimum CPM is $2 regardless of the traffic sourceis $2 CPM fixed? Like you pay $2/1000 views even though the traffic is mixed (coming from all over the world)?
Hi Dear
$2 eCPM is effective cost per 1000 impression. its the average of total earnings per total impression.
which means if you get mixed traffic with around equal hits from all zone you will get near $2 per 1000, If you get more hits from zone1 eCPM will be higher than 2, if you get more from zone5 eCPM will be lower than 2.
I hope I made it clear.
Your new counting system is much better. I hope you can keep things in balance this way. I continue working with you again.