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Important news :

Because of the complaints of some members, we are forced to increase the official deadline for the payment on 10 days.
This is the only official changes.

We regret that some members are trying to pressure us to force to speed up payments.
Many times we are in this topic explain why just do not want to accelerate payments.
We do not belong to the services that they pay for fake traffic and thus the long run destroy business.
Every day we have a tough fight with frauds

Pressures of some members will not make us to change our policy.

We are particularly sorry that the complaints came from people who use our services several months and are well aware of how our services are high quality and reliable.

Also in advance thank all our faithful members who value the reliability and quality of our services.
We wish you a lot of good earnings in the coming months and, hopefully, coming years :)

Cheers Team Team Team Team
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