Im Looking for serious uploaders ( movies, tvshows, anime ) vs $$$

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Hey guys,

I'm looking for a Serious Uploaders for movies, Tvshows, anime. also for multi languages like : usa, fr, it, es... ( i will give you from where you can download the other languages )

You can earn through Views on players or pay per movie/serie/anime. or Fix Salary ( choose what you want )

If you are interested please pm me with your skype and your Offer,
@Belinux thank you so much
you are right maybe because of lack of participations
but, it is possible that "The-Webmaster" prohibits the reception of messages or something like this
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* ask for a service / work
* block the reception of messages
* leave no contact information to contact you by e-mail or other
* ignore the comments in the thread

==> woow .... it's clear that it's serious

we will try the magic lamp to contact you and know the details of this "offer" (it's clear that it's heavy)
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