Golden Falcon
Active Member - Review/Suggestions
Hey guys, asking for suggestions involving one of my new sites. I did a big revamp on it because nothing was changed for a long time.
Katz Rating: 4*

Hey guys, asking for suggestions involving one of my new sites. I did a big revamp on it because nothing was changed for a long time.
Katz Rating: 4*
- Open Forum Policy (Guests can see everything)
- Dedicated Server (Fast access and page loads)
- IRC/Chat (Unique iframed chat so you can still browse the site at the same time that you chat with members.
- 2 Styles (One Light, One Dark - With rotating banners)
- Great Navigation and quick music links at the top.
- Great community of chatting and hanging out.
- Everything music: Albums, Singles, Discographies, Music Software, eBooks etc..
- One of the best request sections and response time around.
- The music section is divided into the best possible Genres. In which when the site becomes more popular we will split it more (Sub-forums etc..).
- Each forum has its own icon for fun
- Great Activity, 50-150 Albums added daily. And 30-50 New Registrations per day.
- A site Table of Contents: which is generated from a unique script all the threads in the download section.
- Streaming radio is being planned.
- A new section is being planned for recent popular/billboard albums.
- A section in the header is being planned for Random Album generators, and Recent new albums generator (from the new section).
- Forum Descriptions: We have to go through and do them again lol.