iGotMusic Suggestions

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Golden Falcon

Active Member
iGotMusic.org - Review/Suggestions

Hey guys, asking for suggestions involving one of my new sites. I did a big revamp on it because nothing was changed for a long time.

URL: http://igotmusic.org
Katz Rating: 4*


  • Open Forum Policy (Guests can see everything)
  • Dedicated Server (Fast access and page loads)
  • IRC/Chat (Unique iframed chat so you can still browse the site at the same time that you chat with members.
  • 2 Styles (One Light, One Dark - With rotating banners)
  • Great Navigation and quick music links at the top.
  • Great community of chatting and hanging out.
  • Everything music: Albums, Singles, Discographies, Music Software, eBooks etc..
  • One of the best request sections and response time around.
  • The music section is divided into the best possible Genres. In which when the site becomes more popular we will split it more (Sub-forums etc..).
  • Each forum has its own icon for fun :).
  • Great Activity, 50-150 Albums added daily. And 30-50 New Registrations per day.
  • A site Table of Contents: http://igotmusic.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=129 which is generated from a unique script all the threads in the download section.

  • Streaming radio is being planned.
  • A new section is being planned for recent popular/billboard albums.
  • A section in the header is being planned for Random Album generators, and Recent new albums generator (from the new section). http://i43.tinypic.com/2afczv9.png
  • Forum Descriptions: We have to go through and do them again lol.
Any ideas, suggestions & cc is appreciated :)
Well I know where to get my music from in future :) I like that light or dark option you have going, I suppose there's no community feel because it's early days yet, as far as I can see you pretty much have everything covered.
As a guest you can't really see the community that well, but once you talk with the members its fun :)

Also the ratio of uploaders to members is too much. I'm trying to make both groups happy.
The forum functionality is sound, because I will be adding RSS Type stuff, and recent/popular music/albums stuff to the index.

Also I added a small warez section JUST as a test! So do not take that into consideration when reviewing it please (at least not just yet).
lol GF, i was trying to contact u on IRC, guess u weren't there.

a neat forum u got there, like the skin. only one thing I didn't like that is you iframed the IRC which totally ruins it. although it mite look cool, but they are not good for seo. and also think what would happen if someone reaches the iframe url from a search engine? your page layout will totally break down. it will look very bad for your design.

Anywayz that's my opinion.... its better to have AJAX chat in the same page or IRC in a totally seperate page.
Yea for now its being kept like this. I hate every single shoutbox made for phpbb3, and I love IRC. But would not like to keep it on default in the index.

This works out well for now, and I highly doubt that google will index http://igotmusic.org/chat.php above the entire root site.

Also its 2009, so people should get started on using Tabbed Browsing lol. Even though you can use the site 100% without logging off the AJAX IRC Client becaused its iframed. They can still just use one window to chat and another to utilize the site at full size.

For now its staying like this because it works well, but in the future yea I might change it.
hmm... actually the direct url isn't breaking the theme so i guess its not bad. but even then i just hate iframes :P

gud luck wit ur site
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