IF you were homeless..

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IF you were homeless..
what you do with your life..die or live ?
Seriously, you have problems in posting threads :|

On topic: I'd always have a backup plan in mind. I've even dreamt of being homeless a lot of times... I always took the movie "Cast Away" as an example :P
Also, i have certain skills that can ensure me some decent money. So, shouldn't be a problem for me. ;)
Homeless people who can stand and walk (healthy) are pathetic, really. I would work in construction, pick up garbage, work in a restaurant washing dishes...etc and build my life instead of staying homeless begging for money.
Big difference between real homeless or fake ones.
The ones who beg for money because they are too lazy to work, or the real ones who are on a wheelchair trying to make it by each day.
most of you say is true..but do you know hard is now for someone to fing a job..and not only.to get paid for that job..? with this times...
if i were homeless i would
please my GOD
Work at any place to get my stomach full and wear some good clothes and make myself like others well and suited
i would full fill my dreams and hobbies.
i would left everything here and at the end sleep in my grave to meet my GOD.
I would work my fucking ass off the whole day. I am not afraid to work. I have my skills and education with me. But even if I didn't I am sure that I would have made it. It is the attitude to work which matters. It is one of the reason my heart doesn't melt for beggars. They seem to be really pathetic to me. Also their disabilities, it is all a scam to attract bigger donations.
If I were homeless, god forbid, I'd build a home in the woods out of building materials available. I'd go to the grocery store and eat food when I had to in a roaming sneaky way. I'd work doing whatever was available. I'd be on top of my hygiene as much as possible, using public restrooms to brush my teeth etc.......
if i had lost home, I would be some kind of Socrates now - talking to people on streets and asking about things of great moral depth ;)
Well in the past i have actually been homeless, actually having to live on the streets in Vancouver. For those saying they would simply get a job, well maybe where you live its possible to get work when you are homeless, with no contact info or place to shower and keep yourself clean, but here its alot harder then all of that and it took me a long time to be able to fight my way out of it. I had to eat in soup kitchens, and find anywhere i could warm to sleep ea night. I would however work when i could at Rice World it was called, packing 100lb sacks of rice for 40$ a day. I was one of the lucky ones to manage to get out of it instead of going the route many do by extreme drug use and eventually death (yes many people i knew back then are now dead). This is a subject i take very seriously still to this day, and help those less fortunate to myself now if i am able, as everyone should, these people dont choose to be homeless.
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