HulkLoad Inc
Active Member
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hey what is going on
hulkimage banned in many forums and big forums
then i checked
also my views are down today
i got it
i closed adblock and click
there is huge ads and annoying ads,there are many
and the strange thing is (in my first click ,click to continue button didnt appear)
please fix
i will not use it until its changed
so annoying ads..:cursing::cursing::cursing:
Hulkimage was receiving complaints of malware in a place i post.
Maybe some advertiser abused your service, but that's the cause for the banning..Too bad, you should check more carefuly who you trust.
yeap.. torrent sites banned ur host..
well, i've sent a pm to you with the one i've speaked about..good luck.
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PLEASE MAKE MORE campaign like yesterday
5 hours double price
i wanna ask you is why clicks are decreased?
and when you update clicks ,its not live right
for 30 min no moving in my reports and i am sure i get clicks
and also please check your count of tier 4
i get great indian clicks but you count so less
please check any bug before giving advices
we wanna use your host , i just tell you my experience for 3 days
over 1 hour even my topics are seen by many people
i am sure i got clicks
but reporst are same for 1 hour
there is exactly a problem in your host
sure bug
i am getting loose my believe in your host