Hulkfile.com / .eu offers a cloud storage and file sharing service with 150 GB of Free Storage for Free accounts.
- Our file servers are located in Germany.
- We really offer the ultimate speed to upload and download.
- We host your files for as long as we can with minimum of 30 days guarantee for free accounts. (No inactive file has been removed since our start in December 2012)
- No long waiting time before starting your download.
- No long waiting time between downloads.
- No re-Captcha required.
- We don't accept adult-related material on our service.
Hulkfile Offers 3 Affiliate plans :-
1. PPD and you can earn up to $25
2. PPS and you can earn 65% from new and recurring Sales
3. MIX this allow you to earn from sales & downloads, 30% from downloads and 40% from sales.
Info about our Affiliate program:-
- Adult related material (or Porn) is not accepted.
- Minimum Payout $ 10.
- We pay using Neteller, Webmoney, Skrill, Paypal (for $20+)
- profits are auto calculated twice a month (12 - 24) .
- Removed links don't affect your profits
- we pay for all file sizes start from 5MB
- we count 1 to 2 downloads from same ip in 24 hours
- Our affiliate program still running in Beta and we may update our plans when it's required .
- Know more from this link : Hulkfile - Rock solid cloud storage service
Billing System :-
- we have an Exclusive billing system which help you and us calculating profits and rewarding if we do reward our members , request Payout automatically for you , email you when you reach the minimum payout rate ,and when a payout request is done successfully . (payments sent manually within 6 days after payout request)
you can check out our Affiliate Plans in details from this link :
Hulkfile - Rock solid cloud storage service
Copyright Holder?
we have developed a new system for you to manage your materials hosted on our servers .
Hulkfile - Rock solid cloud storage service
Our HelpDesk (have any feedback ? we love to discuss) :-
Team Hulkfile
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