- Rock Solid Cloud Storage $25 PPD, 65% PPS (Recurring)

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we target downloaders by these keys to let them try our premium features for free .
this will be fully automatic process , keys will rise at the mentioned time so stay tuned .
In the table of countries.

Mexico and Argentina was previously in Tier C, what happened to those countries?

and the rest of the world is happening?
Hello Hulkload

I received this email

we are experiencing shortage in webmoney balance this month because our provider stopped working with webmoney and we don't have another source at the mean time .

if we don't find another source of webmoney we will stop webmoney for a while until we find an alternative providers .

it's hard to charge webmoney from our country .

We can process your payment via Payza , Neteller or MoneyBookers or you have to wait until we can charge our webmoney account again .

please create a ticket if you want to say something to our billing team :

if you are from RU or Ukraine and can help us charging our webmoney account so please contact us as soon as possible .

sorry about that !


Hulkfile Team

It mean, I must change to Payza or other to received payment ?

Added after 21 minutes:

Add LR plz :(
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unfortunately yes , you can choose between Payza , Neteller , Skrill or Paypal at the moment .or just wait untill we find another provider for webmoney .
none of these will work with you ?
Payza , Neteller , Skrill or Paypal

anyway we are trying to charge our webmoney but this may take a while .

Added after 3 Hours 12 minutes:

Our team is tired from searching for WMZ provider and accepting CC or Paypal .Russians work only with their local E-Wallets , it's hard to send money to them .
just wanted to share .
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In your rules - "- we pay for all countries all over the world"

But your PPD chart contains only 3 Tiers and only a few counties.
Do you have a Tier 4 for : All others ?

And are you paying with Paypal at the moment ?
PPD table changing frequently and now we don't pay for all countries .PayPal is not officially supported but we've added it now as an Alternative method because we have shortage in webmoney .
I do not understand ..

The keys will appear in the accounts of the lucky ones, or
keys are available, and those who register first the keys are the lucky ones? =)

I hope you understand the question ... thanks.
we will see if we can but for now it's from 5MB

I do not understand ..

The keys will appear in the accounts of the lucky ones, or
keys are available, and those who register first the keys are the lucky ones? =)

I hope you understand the question ... thanks.
No, when you visit the link you will find a lot of keys , you have to pick up one and re-write it in a notepad and copy/past it in you account to apply .

you will see after few minutes .
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