- Rock Solid Cloud Storage $25 PPD, 65% PPS (Recurring)

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I think already have had problems, or wanting to avoid them ...

- we don't like to host porn files as this is a famous question (porn brings bad luck to us!)
and it's not allowed in the TOS of 3rd party services that we use in HF.

In addition to, have TOS of partner companies, it is fair.
Dear I Really likes your services but can you tells me the way to Uploads a Files larger than 800 MB??? I'm grateful to you, also one more thing I want to share with you, here you go,

there was a DDoS attack on the main name servers of the Domain registrar .it should now work properly , and we'll xfer the domain to another more secure registrar .

to Upload more than 800Mb you should have a Premium access .
Dear Sir, I am senior Uploader & Have 5 years Experience of Uploading, So as a Senior Uploader I need some benefits by you, can you provide me some free promotional premium??? I use to work with Speedshare & have a look on premium they grant me, wish you also grant me such a benefits, THANKS

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What happen to my account

I don't or never have uploaded porn if you were wondering

Some of the files do have passwords on them

If that is the problem I will stop using passwords on them

This Account Has Been Suspended


Ok now it is working again

thanks Hunkfile
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sorry guys , we are experiencing some technical issues .
we are moving from data center to another due to the DMCA notices and ISPs ask us to move our data while we have c-holder tool but some of the (c) holders used to contact the ISP directly .
we are moving to Germany for now and there is a problem in the DNS so that's why you see "account suspended" page .

we expect that our service back in a stable situation so soon .

Added after 5 Hours:

Update :-
now the website should work properly , sorry about any inconvenience .
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free users can download up to 2 GB per file .

Added after 4 Days 11 Hours:

Payment requests have been generated and we started issuing payments .
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