- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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Dear HugeFiles admin,

i received you payment today..however, i think you have short paid total earnings was 80 smtg when now all i see paid is 40 smtg..

Previously when you deducted me, i was finally ok with it as the premium status granted to me inflated my earnings..but now im not even a premium member..just a normal member and my files retention isnt even long..having no privileges at all nowadays and yet you deduct my is this right?

please look into this matter and tell me if im wrong..

ps. i've already emailed you this but you dont seem to reply when ppl msg you in public it is..

edit :

now you give me premium membership..but i still want my 40 smtg which i earned fair and square..please admin, no more playing around with our earnings!!!
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hugefiles man plz set up the min payout for gold members to 10$ as u mentioned in the premium page
coz im a gold member & i cant request my 10$ it says min payout is 15$ as im like silver member !!
Hi Blura am getting pretty good upload speeds could be your location

Edit : try ftp or web upload i don't use zoom that could be your problem there
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tried FTP & getting 1-2MB/sec my RDP is located in NL
PS : getting good upload speed via zoom 5-9MB/sec but sometimes it gets to 2mb to 500kb/sec & that's not good
Important: Our payouts are made twice a month, on the 15th and on the 1st of each month, to receive your payout in time you need to request the payout at least a week before the payout date, otherwise we won't be able to process your request in time.
Please notice, payout dates maye shift a bit due to holidays and delays in financial services.

So that would be the 15nd.

Can I get an upgrade to Gold (user: sniffdog)?
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This host does not payout sure they might pay the $10 accounts but I had a payout of $165 coming and they banned my account and deleted all my files saying I violated their tos. As long as you don't generate to many downloads I guess you'll be ok. They suck.
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