- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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is the gold course I do what I do?

my nick King-Zeus

how much the maximum SIZES files that can download a free user?
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Dannyarcher - We are counting each IP per day, so if a user downloads a file today and tomorrow he will be counted twice.

Didn't got you clearly, is it means that if I get for example 700 downloads from 1 IP today, you'll count 1 download? or 700 downloads?

My Files Are Ready, Just Waiting For Your Answer, Hope you'll reply in numbers, 1 Download or 700 Downloads?
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@chrono - You are now gold! Good luck! NO limits for free users, same as registered - up to 5GB files.
Also, users can download as many files as they want at the same time.

@Dannyarcher - It's only once per day. so same user won't be counted 700 times, only once.

We got 7 more gold memberships to give!! :):):)
@dannyarcher - No problem, thanks for the update. By the way, there is no other way to do so, as there is no logic to count 700 times the same user if he downloads 700 files the same day, this way it creates abuse of the server and overloads it.
Think about it, then all uploaders will divide their files to 100's of files just to gain more earnings, it's not good for any of the sides - not the end users and not our service.

Good luck anywhere you go :)

So guys, we have another one to giveaway - Let us know if you want to grab one.

Added after 16 minutes:

Ok, we have only 5 more left.

Some prefer to request via PM, so will you get yours also ???

Good luck !!!
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This is my friend ID: cyberleech

he sign up and please gold him. I'm uploader for unique files, if i see he is good on gold, i come to your site too.

please gold my friend id. tnx HugeFiles .
@cyberleech - You are now GOLD MEMBER!

@z0nt4 - You are now GOLD MEMBER!

Good luck to all!!

3 More GOLD memberships left, who will be the last ones to get it ? :):):)
@z0nt4 - Take a look now! :)

Guys, 3
are waiting only for you to ask !!! Don't waist time, we won't be giving away more of those in the near future, so grab yours while you can!!

Good luck to all :D

@syedborhan - Great timing :) You are now GOLD!!

Update: only last 2 !!! Grab them asap!!

Added after 21 minutes:

Question: How is your upload speed now ? We took the time and improved it greatly !

Share with us your upload speeds in different methods of upload :)

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WTF? 10000 Downloads? hahahaha I dont think so!

Added after 6 minutes:

Hi HugeFiles, can I have gold?
My user is Rivaldo.
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