- PPD / PPS (50%) New and improved

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WMZ payment got delayed due to reasons we couldn't control.
It will be made in the next couple of days.

Sorry for the delay.

We will update you once it's done.

Good luck to all
Getting this on a number of files. Usually, I can connect the next day. Now it's many days. Can be fixed ?

This 'The server is in maintenance mode." is usually another way to say hey we can't find your file or it got deleted.
I'd suggest reuploading the same file and seeing if you get the same error.
Hey i'm wondering if I can get premium membership for my account, I really like hugefiles and want to upload but 7 days for files is kind of short.

My username is unify445 would you please upgrade me? Thank you!
We resolved some issue with one of our upload servers.
We are always around to read and help with any issue that arise.

Good luck to all :D

PS: If you are a HUGE uploader - let us know! we are giving away FREE SILVER MEMBERSHIPS TO new members! :)
Hey guys,

There is no issue with the stats, we added human verification system to prevet from automated views, or any other methods which are against our TOS.
If you were effected significantly by this, contact us via PM, so we can examine your claim and see what we can offer you.

We are also Giving away now 5 GOLD memberships! to increase your earnings!!
Reply to this thread to get your FREE GOLD MEMBERSHIP!

Good luck to all!
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