Huge drop in impressions and clicks

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Active Member

This really worries me as i don't know what caused it... didn't made any changes in site code nor did i change robot.txt file. I just uploaded new sitemap file, with ending txt.(sitemaps.txt)
I can't trust google analytics numbers in full way, as i have been in hospital and i didn't had chance to update blog as often and fast, but whats most important is. It was fully updated that week. Google webmaster show about 2000-2500/daily visits drop. That's too much i think. Something is going on with search results etc.
Can anyone explain me, what might have caused it?
my site is music related, i post albums and mp3's
One more thing. Maybe this could be the reason behind all this trouble?
When i tried to add sitemap.xml file previously i got an error "General HTTP error: 404 not foundHTTP Error: 404"
Sitemap was uploaded to the root directory and it was readable.
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Same thing happen to me 12 days ago, you just need to update more often content and try something unique to add , backlinking at more sites and google visits will increase again :)
I don't think it's content related, as i have updated my blog always with unique content ...
Could it be because of the "Related Posts by Zemanta" plugin what seems to be not working properly?
Mobile version statistics are updated, but the desktop version click-through rate and clicks have stayed zero. It happened the same time as the drop in google webmaster tools...
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If its recent change, then it has to be something related to google's panda and penguin update. Google is penalizing websites that had or is using black hat methods for manipulating search engine ranking.
I haven't used any blackhat SEO methods.

When i tried to add sitemap.xml file previously i got an error "General HTTP error: 404 not foundHTTP Error: 404"
Sitemap was uploaded to the root directory, and it was readable.
Maybe this is the reason, my site impressions and clicks have fallen so much?
Google worries about a lot of things. Its difficult to say exactly what happened to your website. May be you can ask other people on this website who are good at the SEO stuff like Mr. RT
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