How to Set Up a Dedicated Server

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Active Member
Hi Guys

I have recently bought a dedicated server, but I have no idea how to set it up at all. The reason that I bought the server was because my previous host found out that my site Kurds Portal was a WAREZ forum (after about a year !!)

I would greatly appreciate any help on how to set the server up guys.

Thank you.
Hi Algeria

I can not afford that I'm afraid ! :(

Manageing a dedicated server might be hard at first .. but everything is easy once you know it.

I'd greatly apprecaite any help.

Thank You.
The server is running Debian.

And Yes I will put my forum on there !

By the way I will be using Direct Admin.

oh no no the guys who sold me the server have installed DirectAdmin for me !

I just don't know what to do with DirectAdmin in order to get my site up !
Well go into DA, then go to the User level.
Add a domain and all that crap, fill in the DNS, create a db, upload the db files, upload the forum files and you should be set.
if u could install CentOs on it, i suggest install openvz and create a container with centos 32bit in it. use whm/cpanel vps version. u could save much bucks and ur RAM utilization will also less. If u want help, I will help u
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