how to optimize Apache ?

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KeepAlive Off
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 30 meybe you can give more
Redudace MaxRequestsPerChild
Listen 80 change it to Listen your_ip_here:80
go to kloxo panel log as admin
server >> localhost >> click ipaddress >> filemanager >> etc >> httpd >>httpd.conf >> open and edit
Do this as following

log in to putty

#cat /etc/my.cnf
Copy this file by typing #cp cat/etc/my.cnf cat/etc/my.cnf.backup

To Edit from SSH we need to install nano(simple text file editor ):
To install nano :#yum install nano
For edit using nano :#nano /etc/my.cnf

At below [mysqld] add this by typing :

After Edit : just press #ctrl+X , and press #y for save.

Now restart our mysql : #service mysqld restart.

You will recover almost 200MB free , between don't worry about httpd they create to increase performance
go to kloxo panel log as admin
server >> localhost >> click ipaddress >> filemanager >> etc >> httpd >>httpd.conf >> open and edit
already pm'ed you

Do this as following

log in to putty

#cat /etc/my.cnf
Copy this file by typing #cp cat/etc/my.cnf cat/etc/my.cnf.backup

To Edit from SSH we need to install nano(simple text file editor ):
To install nano :#yum install nano
For edit using nano :#nano /etc/my.cnf

At below [mysqld] add this by typing :

After Edit : just press #ctrl+X , and press #y for save.

Now restart our mysql : #service mysqld restart.

You will recover almost 200MB free , between don't worry about httpd they create to increase performance

i really appreciate ur help but i am sorry
because i am not exoerince in kloxo script commander

---------- Post added at 12:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

how to reach "server >> localhost >> click ipaddress >> filemanager >> etc >> httpd >>httpd.conf" as "Sky" said guys

because i stuck at ipaddress
Look left menu at down >>> Server >> localhost >> sorry no ipiddress but File manager go in there >> etc >> httpd >> >> conf >>httpd.conf this for edit httpd

for edit my.cnf just back to folder >> etc and found my.cnf open it and edit
i already edit httpd.conf as u said and the ram stable at 16mb instead
of 1GB and this is really great

but the site won't load
ram is down becouse httpd not load

you wrong remove all in to httpd csript and only put what i give that will be crash
no i just replace this code

KeepAlive On
KeepAliveTimeout 5
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

with ur code

KeepAlive Off
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100
KeepAliveTimeout 30 meybe you can give more
Redudace MaxRequestsPerChild
Listen 80 change it to Listen your_ip_here:80

and i didn't edit my.cnf yet
and the site won't load
From what i have read nginx will not work with lxadmin

you could switch to lighttpd but if you will have to rewrite your URLs if you use .htaccess
i have same problem but i fix with downgrade !!

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