How to open my own web hosting company ?

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Hello guys
I know when you will read my thread title you will thought that I"m a fool that for asking how to open a web hosting company. Many of you guys will suggest me to buy reseller hosting. I know I can open a small hosting company by using any reseller hosting. But I don't want to do that. I mean I want to open a hosting company without buying any reseller hosting. Is it possible ? if yes than please suggest me about this....
Hello, from what I have seen you need to do a bit more research reselling is a very good way to start providing web hosting as it can work cheaper if you do the maths - Also have you thought about issues such as starting capital?
Buy a VPS. Get cPanel license. Secure/Configure your VPS.

Buy a domain name, a template & install WHMCS (licensed ofcourse) on it.

You're ready to go.

Good luck.
Stay away from the shared hosting market and find a better proposition. There is no more business here or you should offer your services at loss leader pricing to gain market share.
It's always more profitable to start off with a reseller account first, at least until you get your initial customer base. If you want to start right off with servers, I would highly recommend using SoYouStart or OVH. They are owned by the same company and profit excellent servers to use.

If you go linux route, go CentOS and Cpanel. Get a billing center such as WHMCS(the best in my opinion) and set it up per the documentation and you will be ready to go!
It's always more profitable to start off with a reseller account first, at least until you get your initial customer base. If you want to start right off with servers, I would highly recommend using SoYouStart or OVH. They are owned by the same company and profit excellent servers to use.

If you go linux route, go CentOS and Cpanel. Get a billing center such as WHMCS(the best in my opinion) and set it up per the documentation and you will be ready to go!

Going with reseller host is a waste of money first 1gb to 5gb ddos attack your host will be no more since you can not add ddos protection to the servers. I suggest getting a few VPS from Networkarry and use them from shared hosting

Go with OpenVZ get 3 of them

4gb ram
3tb space
2gbps connection


You could run 50 to 100 sites on these 3 server also go with CloudLayar - Website Security | Malware Protection | DDOS Protection | Bot Protection free plan it is better than cloudflare with 3 to 5 times more security
Thanks to you all guys for your valuable suggestions. I have domain and also have WHMCS. Now can you guys suggest me where I can buy VPS/OpenVZ + cPanel License and also how much it will cost for monthly/lifetime ???

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