How to fool a keylogger Easy

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PBI NetWork

Active Member
How to fool a keylogger :fly:

some of you may already know this tip/trick but for those who don't...

These days Agents spy on u everywhere, in college, at work, maybe a trojan virus on your home PC which keylogs your paswords and mails it to someone else. If u think u r being logged, try this:

Whenever u have to type a password, never type the complete password in one go, ie, if your password is WINDOWS, u should type NDOW, then move cursor to start of the password field using the mouse ONLY, then type WI, then move cursor to end using the mouse and type S. This way the logger will record your keystrokes as ndowwis instead of WINDOWS.

Haha, keylogger fooled.

P.s other way use keyscrambler

dp ™
Honestly any keylogger written by a professional will use either browser injection or network captures (via proxy, or more advanced via a driver) to retrieve passwords.

There is really no protection against this (well a VPN may help against case 2). Its best to run a good anti-virus or know the symptoms and how to spot them. Especially on public computers.
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