How to create adult tube site?

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i have both phpmyvideo and phpmyvideo does not grab videos (image is not displaying) for all videos while is working fine for me. sometime feed break but they are providing free support and now working all feed.
I like i want to purchase it. i contact wp-tube-plugin support team for lite version for testing.i want to test wp-tube-plugin on my server then i will purchase. anyone have wp-tube-plugin ?
The new version of phpmyvideoblog is great. I use it on 2 adult tube has a big discount now. The offer seems too good to be true.
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wp-tube-plugin support is very fast & professional. they immediately reply your emails & reply your post in forum. and wp-tube-plugin is fastest growing adult video grabber script. when i purchase it there was 25 feeds and 1 porn theme (default). but now wp-tube-plugin grab videos from 75 porn sites and there are 112 porn themes. they release new version very soon . in 1 year they grown from 25 feeds to 75 feeds and 1 default theme to 112 themes. and all updated code i get free from their support forum. i am totally satisfied with wp-tube-plugin.
Making a custom script is the best choice in my opinion. I've made one for MyPornRoom - Your porn collection, still this one is not automated, but I want to create another script based on this one with automated videos, I just have to add a little bit of extra code. The advantage of using a custom script is that is small in size and you can add anything you want to. If anyone is interested just give me a sign.
wp-tube plugin is really good. Been using it for some months now on 3 sites. They did a big update sometime ago and plan to make another tube with it.
Anyone can see the tube sites on the link below. (Top of the website)

You get videos from so many sources, not redtube only, there are better ones and everything is automatic. Anyone needs any help with this script tell me. I am no affiliated with it in any way but have some experience with it and will help anyone that is finding a difficulty.
You can also try to buy finished website. It's my site Free Porn Tube, Sex Videos, Porno Clips, live sex - Im Fucking It so if you like it then let me know about your offer on or maybe there will be sale opportunity if the price will be appropriate. This site has also nice daily amount of traffic, and this domain have pretty good search rank.
Creating a next adult tube site it's nothing amazing however, drawing thousands of visitors on this site it's pretty hard. If you want to meet stats of my site then please also write on the one of above emails, I will give you then access to Google Analytics Tools.
if you use wordpress...

hi wj users,

i want to know the tutorial about how to create adult tube site and make it automated so it automatically takes content from other tube sites and embed them in my site , i have tried googling and used some of scripts like phpmyvideoblog , but it does not work :(

can anyone explain ?


If you use WordPress you can check my first theme in this project WP Adulto - Temas Adulto Wordpress

If you have some question, send me a msg or a contact using the contact page of WP Adulto :)

It's a nice theme, you can change various styles and configurations from panel, look this video example:
Its very easy with the appropriate plugin See my website (letmewatchsex, then the websites at the top). You only need to install Wordpress, the plugin and a tube theme. Then everything is done automatically. Need any help tell me.
I think wpadulto is only a theme. He needs a good plugin.
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Try I hope you will not disappoint. This is complete porn videos grabber. someone suggest me and i am suggesting you.
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