How to Auto RaR Files

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hello. if i want when file archived with name seem "filename.rar" how to do that. beacause when i archived all files look like ... "filename.mp4.rar.part1" or "filename.exe.rar" i want remove .mp4 or .exe on final archive.
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can anyone tell how it works under linux shell?


for /D %%f in ("C:\rar\unR\*") do copy "C:\a\*.*" "%%f\"  

cd C:\rar\unR  

SET PATH=C:\Program Files\WinRAR;%PATH%  

FOR /f "delims=" %%d IN ('DIR /B') DO RAR a -m0 -ep1 -r -rr3p -hpmeyer83 -zC:\meye83.txt -k -t -dw -ierr "C:\rar\upp\%%~nxd-unR.rar" "%%~fd"


Remove this ¨X¨:


cd C:\Users\YOU\Desktop\1
SET PATH=C:;C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Win dows\System32\Wbem;%PATH%
FOR /f "delims=" %%d IN ('DIR /B') DO WinRAR a -m0 -ep "C:\Users\YOU\Desktop\2\%%~nxd.rar" "%%~fd"


This will remove extensions from filename, BUT, if you have files with same name and diferent extensions it will RAR into one common file.

Example: Separate files in same folder
Movie.avi,, Movie.png, Movie.nfo
Will RaR into 1 file Movie.rar

See Image Bellow:

Normal Results

After Removing X

Hope it helps!
I think this is the simplest way to do auto rar files.

This is how you do this: select all folders/files -> right click -> Add to archive... -> Files tab -> tick Put each file to separate archive

This is my 1000th post.
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Hi guys, need your help for auto rar scrip below,

I have files in folder(X), after run autorar script then the rar files will created in folder(Y), after AutoRar run completed I want the original files from folder(X) automatically move to folder(Z).

Now, the scrip below is already running perfectly, I just need the last step which is to move the original file to another folder after running the scrip.


cd D:\file_here*

SET PATH=C:;C:\Program Files\WinRAR;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Win dows\System32\Wbem;%PATH%

FOR /f "delims=" %%d IN ('DIR /B') DO WinRAR a -m0 -ep1 -x*.rar -v340m "D:\Ready\%%~nxd.rar" "%%~fd"


Thanks in advance for your help!!
HI Hapalon

just add this line and edit to your needs

move /-y "C:\directory_with_files_you_want_to_compress\" "C:\where_you_want_to_save_new_rar_files\"
guyz anyone here can help me ?

i have tried it but not working ! :(

i think that there's something wrong , but i dunno what is it :(
Hi D4rk, I got your PM, sorry I couldn´t get back to you sooner, I am glad to help. I will post an answer to your question as son as I can... Regards!
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