How to Add Text Link In Header?

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Go to look and feel , and on the right of your skin your choose from the dropdown menu " edit board header and foother "
Then search for <% BOARD HEADER %>

And below or above you can place your text link. You can play around with it to see what suits you the best.

An example link could be :

<a href="">place your text here</a>
Then you must have something wrong , as I told you how to do it.
This worked om my former forum and I was running ipb 2.3.6
Practically the same as your version.
You say so because it didn't worked with you, really wished to give the original author of this some credits and that better than leeching it.

Here what written there for who have problem in opening the link.

adding extra links to the header bar.

Step 1: Login to your forum, choose from the menu "Admin Panel" (Obviously, you need to be an Administrator).

Step 2: Locate to Skins & Templates, then under that box, locate to HTML Templates

Step 3: Look for the title of your skin, then locate to Manage HTML

Step 4: Now, once you're inside Manage HTML area, at the top, you can see Quick Clicks. Choose from the menu Edit Board Header and click Go.

Step 5 Inside this, locate to Member Bar WITH Messenger Links. Inside her will be your script, but mine is:

<table width="100%" id="userlinks" cellspacing="6">
   <td><strong>{ibf.lang.logged_in_as} <a href='{ibf.script_url}showuser={}'>{}</a></strong> ( <a href='{ibf.script_url}act=Login&amp;CODE=03'>{ibf.lang.log_out}</a>$ad_link $mod_link $val_link )</td>
    <td align='right'>
      <b><a href='{ibf.script_url}act=UserCP&amp;CODE=00' title='{ibf.lang.cp_tool_tip}'>{ibf.lang.your_cp}</a></b> &middot; <a href='{ibf.script_url}act=Msg&amp;CODE=01'>{$msg[TEXT]}</a>
     &middot; <a href='{ibf.script_url}act=Search&amp;CODE=getnew'>{ibf.lang.view_new_posts}</a> &middot; <a href='javascript:buddy_pop();' title='{ibf.lang.bb_tool_tip}'>{ibf.lang.l_qb}</a></td>

Obviously, the code above will be different to yours.

I'm thinking you want to add the custom link to the end after · Assistant (As on my board).

Step 6: Ok, in the code above, look for:

&middot; <a href='javascript:buddy_pop();' title='{ibf.lang.bb_tool_tip}'>{ibf.lang.l_qb}</a>

Step 7: Add after that the code above again, but changing the text and link as yours, for example, here is my edited version:
&middot; <a href=''>Link Name</a>
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