How much should I pay for this site?

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New Member
Hi, I know a guy who has a car site he wants to sell which makes about $6-$7usd per/day from Adsense. He wants about $16,000USD for it, is this too much??

I don't really know much about how to value a website and how much this site should really be worth? I can tell you it gets about 800-900 visitors per/day with a Page Rank of 5 and is about 8years old.

If anyone can tell me how much a site like this should be worth and how much i should be offering to buy i would greatly appreciate it! thanks
You need to know some basics: How long site is alive, how stable is earnings. If he has established site with $6-$7 a day, I would say no more than $2,500. But if earnings varies, than I would not give that much (this price is for site working at least 16 months and has stable $6-$7 a day in past eight months). Anyway, that's my opinion, but there are others who probably think different :)
16 000$ ? He is crazy if he want this money and you will be more crazy if you pay him this money :) Honestly i will never pay more then 2000$ if his earnings for past 6 months are stable

If you want to purchase site for 16000$ i`m 100% sure u will find better offer for site which will generate more money per day..
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There are many online stes that will give you an estimate of a site's worth. Just google.


Use at least 5-10 of the sites and see what they average out .
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If the site has a track record of a year or more and you know where the traffic comes from and it's from organic sources.

Usually you'd pay between 6months to 2 years of revenue.

The question to ask yourself is always why he wants to sell it?

I'd never sell a cash-cow on auto-pilot. If someone does, it's usually not a good buy.
very true

If the site has a track record of a year or more and you know where the traffic comes from and it's from organic sources.

Usually you'd pay between 6months to 2 years of revenue.

The question to ask yourself is always why he wants to sell it?

I'd never sell a cash-cow on auto-pilot. If someone does, it's usually not a good buy.
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