How many webmasters use Wordpress?

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^ indeed, LOL

Also the main point IS, if you install plugins it becomes slow. A plain wp site is useless ofcourse. Also if you think you're the best in wordpress here you're really wrong, the fact you don't use caching proves that already.

Why would i use a cache program if i already said i dont need one? Seem i seem someone early talk about all the stuff WP comes with makes it slow and now your saying it comes with nothing... make up your minds.

Man you are a really funny person. First off learn how to quote properly. If you haven't noticed this is an ENGLISH webmaster forum. Yes the whole world doesn't speak it, so I am sorry. You run this huge site then, but if it isn't in Chinese (second most browsed language on the net after English) I really don't see how you are getting traffic with the improper spelled words which never would help your seo. I also like to know how can I prove that 1 is less then 100,000? So you struggle in math as well? Wordpress is a great free script but a customized solution will always work better if you know what your doing. You need mods and themes in order for wp to work. Plus caching is a must. Please enough.

Wouldn't let me quote you... so bitch at the forum not me. and if you look i have quoted properly a few times before you... so im not sure why you would think i need to learn that.

No everyone thinks that because you cant spell your an idiot. So just because im not 100% in my English skills... dont mean i dont get traffic. My highest ranked site is a site about Wordpress, themes, and plugins... so i guess i do know something.

Sorry but caching is a must yes if you need it. But if you get Wordpress, place perfect coded themes and plugins in it i promise you dont need it. I dont care what your traffic is. Your saying every site that uses WP gets no traffic? Odd some pretty big names use wordpress. Im not saying its perfect for every situation, but if everything is good... you should have no issues with it. Never have i seen anyone complain about wordpress and its speed that they were using decent plugins and theme. If you think caching is a must then you are use to having problems i guess. If your having to use caching then you need to look at coding and to many plugins.

You still also failed to prove how a Alexa of under 100k means you only get 1uv a day. Perhaps its you that dont know math.
HUH? i been hardcore into wordpress for years now and never had this issue and never have run any cache plugins. High server loads come from un properly coded themes and plugins. This is "not" a Wordpress Issue.

Which brings me to the question of how great a webmaster are you to not know this?

I'm on about high levels of traffic. eg. if FreshWap was Wordpress instead of DLE it would need twice the server it currently has comparing both on default settings. Nothing to do with plugins etc.

Coon is right though if you modify it enough you can make it a lot more efficent.

Don't get me wrong I like Wordpress but I just don't think it's designed right for very high levels of traffic but then 99.9% of Wordpress sites don't have high traffic.
99.9% of Wp dont get high traffic... really? Its not that 99% that proves you wrong, its the 1% that you said cant exists because WP isnt good for high traffic.
lmfao you go by alexa (which you didn't mention before, you just said 100k refering to uv or even visitors.) Can't argue with someone who defeats himself within the fight.
Sorry but caching is a must yes if you need it. But if you get Wordpress, place perfect coded themes and plugins in it i promise you dont need it. I dont care what your traffic is. Your saying every site that uses WP gets no traffic? Odd some pretty big names use wordpress. Im not saying its perfect for every situation, but if everything is good... you should have no issues with it. Never have i seen anyone complain about wordpress and its speed that they were using decent plugins and theme. If you think caching is a must then you are use to having problems i guess. If your having to use caching then you need to look at coding and to many plugins.

Oh, you were talking about 100k alexa? I thought 100k uv's, lol =) Ofcourse with 100k alexa you don't need caching.

Some pretty big names use wordpress... WITH CACHING. You think rlslog, scenereleases etc. use no caching? 8-)
Coon and DeLeTeD their is no point arguing with speedofpain who blindly believes he know's more. Your just wasting your time on a guy like him.

For the record and others that asked YES you can get an alexa lower than 100,000 Rank with only 1000 unique views a day. If it's a website aimed at webmasters you'll get a far higher rank as webmasters are far more likely to have the alexa toolbar installed. Alexa is also very very easy to fake and I've tested this several times before on small sites. One example was a site with an average of just 25 unique views a day but had an alexa of 150,000. It should be used only as a rough guide but common sense it far more important.
Just for the record, I never said I don't like it. Hell, I use it for some sites but as mr happy and coon knows you need to do some tweaking to get rid of the excess crap.

The point was that you can't call yourself a webmaster if you can use wordpress to set up a site. because it's by far the easiest script in the world which is basically just clicking on options. A webmaster should have basic skills to earn that title. Like knowing html, using ftp, chmod, .htaccess, basic php(installing mods and so on), just basic stuff like this. To manage or install a wordpress site, you need no knowledge, and that's why I said if you use wordpress solely then don't call yourself a webmaster.

Also, profit, it's a great market. But it's usually full of cheap people :P
Just for the record, I never said I don't like it. Hell, I use it for some sites but as mr happy and coon knows you need to do some tweaking to get rid of the excess crap.

The point was that you can't call yourself a webmaster if you can use wordpress to set up a site. because it's by far the easiest script in the world which is basically just clicking on options. A webmaster should have basic skills to earn that title. Like knowing html, using ftp, chmod, .htaccess, basic php(installing mods and so on), just basic stuff like this. To manage or install a wordpress site, you need no knowledge, and that's why I said if you use wordpress solely then don't call yourself a webmaster.

Also, profit, it's a great market. But it's usually full of cheap people :P

True, but you can mod wordpress after installing it and it becomes super duper awesome sooner than when you first spend weeks on making a self coded wordpress clone, and after that implement the functions you could also have writen for wp
Never seen alexa ranks let anyone down yet. there stats are usually very close to what any other stats will say. lmao at your entire comment.

lmfao Please enlighten me with your knowledge. Your a great web master, keep up the good work.

hmm....the people who join wj now a days :(

Oh, you were talking about 100k alexa? I thought 100k uv's, lol =) Ofcourse with 100k alexa you don't need caching.

Some pretty big names use wordpress... WITH CACHING. You think rlslog, scenereleases etc. use no caching? 8-)

yea thanks coon, I thought he meant uv also. I mean how many people actually use alexa to track there traffic? ahaha

Coon and DeLeTeD their is no point arguing with speedofpain who blindly believes he know's more. Your just wasting your time on a guy like him.

For the record and others that asked YES you can get an alexa lower than 100,000 Rank with only 1000 unique views a day. If it's a website aimed at webmasters you'll get a far higher rank as webmasters are far more likely to have the alexa toolbar installed. Alexa is also very very easy to fake and I've tested this several times before on small sites. One example was a site with an average of just 25 unique views a day but had an alexa of 150,000. It should be used only as a rough guide but common sense it far more important.

Yea I suppose your right happy. He is stuck up and isn't willing to accept the fact that there are smarter people in the world then him. Considering the fact that he goes by alexa rank and thinks wordpress is god's gift to mankind I am not sure what more to say to such a guy. As you stated alexa can be cheated easily. I can get a site into the top 50,000 easily. Happy remember in the few days we were fixing up AS before release, just like 5 of us got it in the top 200,000 without anyone else surfing/no cheating. It is funny because me and happy had a discussion. It would be cool if google chrome and firefox came together to make a similar concept to alexa. The reason why it would work better is because the tracking can be built into the browser, no need to install a toolbar. So basically the stats would be a lot closer then what alexa shows. They could try to get IE involved but the time they join it might be a few years :P
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