How many webmasters use Wordpress?

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0, if you solely use wordpress you're not a webmaster. You're a kid that can read and push buttons. You can integrate it with other things just to add to your site, but if you don't then my comment sticks.
0, if you solely use wordpress you're not a webmaster. You're a kid that can read and push buttons. You can integrate it with other things just to add to your site, but if you don't then my comment sticks.

Not everyone prefers to run forums you know. Using a blog doesn't make anyone a noob. Its simply preference. A blog also have a personal feel to it which normal sites and forums don't have. I for one love the organised look that blogs have.
0, if you solely use wordpress you're not a webmaster. You're a kid that can read and push buttons. You can integrate it with other things just to add to your site, but if you don't then my comment sticks.

you have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm full-time webmaster, and most of my sites are based on wordpress, it has great customization options.
Also, calling someone "kid" just because you don't like script he's using is really childish.
I've coded my own blog which I use anymore so no I don't use Wordpress. It has too much crap and creates unnecessary high server loads if you've any sorta traffic.
I also use wordpress, prefer a blog that i can control and make sure everything is ok and the way i like it instead of a community. just preference i guess
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