How many backlinks required to rank for a keyword on top google?

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Active Member
Hi everyone,
Could you tell me how many backlinks required to rank for a keyword on top google?
and where to put your keywords to rank better than other competitors?
It depends on your website itself. For example if you are into a .edu or .Gov domian, most probabily it is very easy to go up the ladder of SERP. Or if you have a general domain like .com, .in you will have to put more effort.
Hi everyone,
Could you tell me how many backlinks required to rank for a keyword on top google?
and where to put your keywords to rank better than other competitors?
There are no certain amount of backlinks required to rank on google. Quality over quantity if you haven't heard of it.
Do your research sonth..
Basic rule is that low competition means less effort to rank higher but in most cases less traffic , so as it was already said few quality backlinks can take you high maybe on first place.
its does not matter the number of backlinks , but the quality of those links ( Quality over Qualnity ) , i have senn many sites with few backlinks and ranked well in google ,and other sites with thousands of backlinks but with no results , you need to focuse on quality of your links, beside good content.
It is really difficult to say how many exactly. It depends on the competition in your targeted area. Some time ON page enough for ranking on 1st place and some time with 1000's of backlink you would still be on 2nd page.

Hope it was useful
I think there's no magic formula of how many backlinks you need to do in order to get high ranking. It depends on your quality of the website, your keywords, your competitors, your content,...and many other on-page factors. However you should try to focus on quality instead of quantity, I think so.
how about torrents site like thepiratebay other torrent sites/streaming sites do they have a lot of backlinks too? or backlinks doesn't better once you're big?
I think there's no magic formula of how many backlinks you need to do in order to get high ranking. It depends on your quality of the website, your keywords, your competitors, your content,...and many other on-page factors. However you should try to focus on quality instead of quantity, I think so.
how about torrents site like thepiratebay other torrent sites/streaming sites do they have a lot of backlinks too? or backlinks doesn't better once you're big?
I think there's no magic formula of how many backlinks you need to do in order to get high ranking. It depends on your quality of the website, your keywords, your competitors, your content,...and many other on-page factors. However you should try to focus on quality instead of quantity, I think so.
Don't understand your question, big sites usually get backlinks naturally so they don't care about building backlinks everyday and they also don't care about how many backlinks they need to build daily.
You have to see where your opponent put the backlink. Then compare with your backlink. Placement is not important. It is important that you put it on any site.
Though this is old, I still would like to clarify based on my experience:
First and foremost there is no such number of how many links to rank top on google. Basically there are two factors:
1) Backlink quality - Which site we put backlink in and how we put it. For example, if we have bunch of backlinks in low DA sites then high chance it can't rank up in top. Spammy backlinks are also face high chance of punishment, rather than ranking up.
2) The difficulty of the keyword - Not all keyword works the same, some have extremely high competitve rate, some are easy to rank up. Generally the more general a keyword is, the harder to rank up (for example, "health", "currency", "banking", etc...), and the more details a keyword is, the easier to rank. But still, it depends on what field the keyword is about and it need thorough keyword research before going for backlinks.
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