How do you guys make money from PPD?

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Active Member
I have a poor net connection. I was wondering how you guys manage to get money through PPD sites (not PPS) beside uploading warez (I can't do it because my net sucks).

Please help me.
buy Remote desktop 15-20$ per month or rapidleech , but the secret is - if u want money do not choose ppd because u need 1k-2k downloads per day to make 10-20$ ,
Your choise is pay per sale = upload big files , quality files , split them and post post post .
PPD is just for pure amateurs who can make with hard work between 100-200$ month.

ALSO the competition its very high on big forums , i saw members that post 50 or 100 post per day , so making 100-200$ its a dream :)) from ppd
Sorry for this slightly off-topic question, but...

Is it better to get a RDP located in your country or in a foreign country? What are the pros and cons of each option?
if u dont have much idea what content to post where to post start with a cheap rapidleech instead of wasting 15-20$ from first day bz with that noone gonna tell u where and wat to post to get sales or good downloads . u will learn that with experence or if someone has suggested u .... So my vote is for rl . and only post in big fours select 5-10 big forums concentrate on them instead of wasting ur time looking for 100 forums and then positng on them . its just time wastage ...
buy Remote desktop 15-20$ per month or rapidleech , but the secret is - if u want money do not choose ppd because u need 1k-2k downloads per day to make 10-20$ ,
Your choise is pay per sale = upload big files , quality files , split them and post post post .
PPD is just for pure amateurs who can make with hard work between 100-200$ month.

ALSO the competition its very high on big forums , i saw members that post 50 or 100 post per day , so making 100-200$ its a dream :)) from ppd
with 1k-2k dls you can't get $10+ with a trust host (uploaded, rapidgator ...) , this is with the old age (filesonic, fileserve...) not actually , now with 1k dowloads you earn max $7 or $8 if they count correctly

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:01 PM ----------

i make 10-20 euro per day per PPD on with only 3-6 post per day

---------- Post added at 11:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------

[URL="" said:
sasuke24[/URL];1830847]I have a poor net connection. I was wondering how you guys manage to get money through PPD sites (not PPS) beside uploading warez (I can't do it because my net sucks).

Please help me.
Try to post in in comment section you can get 500+ dls per day if you post your links in the first comments for every post
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I make about 5-8 euro the day with ppd UL.Its pretty good.Its about 200 euro the month[270 dollars just from ppd)+ 500-600 euro from sales bingo 800 euro with 1-2 hours work each day in uploading.Of course i have my real work too.Uploading is just my hobby.
buy Remote desktop 15-20$ per month or rapidleech , but the secret is - if u want money do not choose ppd because u need 1k-2k downloads per day to make 10-20$ ,
Your choise is pay per sale = upload big files , quality files , split them and post post post .
PPD is just for pure amateurs who can make with hard work between 100-200$ month.

ALSO the competition its very high on big forums , i saw members that post 50 or 100 post per day , so making 100-200$ its a dream :)) from ppd

Not true, if you have sites that has huge traffic PPD will always be better than PPS.
I use PPD and get daily 30k downloads a day, on where I post.
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