HOTIMG - Make money uploading images.

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Yeah I do own a website but a couple of my image plugins require the images to be hotlinked in order to work. Rather not ruin the aesthetic of the site and cause user inconvenience for just a couple of bucks.
So guys, what link i must copy&paste?
In "file manager", on the right there are many links...what link i must use for earn money? Now i'm using the "direct link", stats are about 7-8k views, but i've 0.00$.

sorry for my english
Stupid & slow Image-hosting to be honest. I've never seen an image link like this:

I'm gonna BAN anyone uses this image-hosting @ my blog. <_<
This site isn't worth fooling with at all. I also gave them a try to see and after 4 days and over 30K views of images I still saw $0.00. As the guy mentioned if people aren't "clicking" on your images to come to hotimg website it isn't counted.

Unfortunately this is something they failed to mention throughout the documentation of their entire site plus the loading of the images where you have them posted load at a turtles pace.

Don't bother with this site, plenty of other image hosts that offer much faster load times and ease of use.
IT SUCKS.......................

Nearly 0.1 mn views but earning is 0.00 $............................

bloody i m back to
That means, they dont provide for direct linked images?

Even porn not allowed......... What they expect then?
Should we take snaps of Bill Gates and spread the link on warez forums?????
earnings don't update for me, says at 12 am but hasn't for 2 days.

You know what? If you use hotlink, views will not be counted, only ppl who clicked the img and going to their site, in this way, could be counted, I contacted with their staffs already.
You know what? If you use hotlink, views will not be counted, only ppl who clicked the img and going to their site, in this way, could be counted, I contacted with their staffs already.

You didn't read my latest post. Were you just thinking, "I GOTTA GET MY F'N OPINION DOWN NOW". ?
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