- paying image host - $5/1000 views - PayPal, Webmoney

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We have just released 1.0.1!

What is new?


  • improved – instant codes (bbcodes, html, links) on the after-upload page (thanks for idea@stephen_georg),
  • improved – new “continue to image” button on the image page which should increase number of paid views in your stats,


  • fixed – bug with randomly not showing up codes (bbcodes, html, links),

In progress:

  • in progress – keeping order of files when uploading from computer (thanks for idea @lunaman)
  • in progress – showing “other images of this user” on the image page (thanks for idea @mostlyboobz)

Added after 8 Days 22 Hours:

We have just released 1.0.2!

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]What is new?[/FONT]


  • improved – all codes (bbcodes, html, links) per one line,
  • improved – in progress – keeping order of files when uploading from computer (thanks for idea@lunaman)


  • fixed – some bugs with stats,
Last edited:
Not usable host at all - 10 MB per pic + 100 files max = 1000 MB and you got 100 MB total - what can i do if i have 90 pics 9 MB upload one set 9 times, thanks but no thanks
@Gnusmas - as we mentioned before, we will increase these limits gradually.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]1. Please, put upload box at the top of the box.[/FONT]
Does anyone want this also?

2. Please go to "Settings" and choose this option:

Also we sent all PayPal payments requested before May 24.
This image host is great and I trust it and most warmly recommend.

But is it still working?

Last site update was in April 2016,
last post on WJunction was in May 2016,
last tweet was in October 2016.

Support doesn't answer mails.

Does anyone know anything ?

Its working...

And was the fastest of all imghosts to send money upon request.

Really best imghost out there, with stats for every image and honest counting, it brings you same or more revenue than all the others who compete in presenting their rates higher than they really are.

I recommend.
And was the fastest of all imghosts to send money upon request.

Really best imghost out there, with stats for every image and honest counting, it brings you same or more revenue than all the others who compete in presenting their rates higher than they really are.

I recommend.

Thank you! It's pleasure to hear such nice words!

bbcodes dont work on sites or forums
nothing appears
Can you explain more or send some screenshots? We test it regular and there's no problem with this feature.

And GIFs are not shown right...
Do you mean that GIFs are statics or something else?

For a new users:
  • 20% bonus on a second payout!
For a new users:
  • priority in payouts shedulde! So, in most case it's mean 24h payout!

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