- paying image host - $5/1000 views - PayPal, Webmoney

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I will talk clear and short as possible.

Counting is a disaster. No any paid views from 23 views in 1 hour almost. That means i earned zero so far.

Your design looks professional but it's unnecessarily looks complicated. Try to make upload function more simple like no need to login to each image upload.

After upload, image links not viewing sometimes.

5 seconds of waiting to image is not worth for what you paid.

Of course you are in beta period and will improve with time but most important is your rates are really low.

Edit: It's been 2 hours and 33 views and still no paid views though, that's weird.
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I will talk clear and short as possible.

Counting is a disaster. No any paid views from 23 views in 1 hour almost. That means i earned zero so far.

Your design looks professional but it's unnecessarily looks complicated. Try to make upload function more simple like no need to login to each image upload.

After upload, image links not viewing sometimes.

5 seconds of waiting to image is not worth for what you paid.

Of course you are in beta period and will improve with time but most important is your rates are really low.

I do agree. Design is cool, awesome template but in terms of earnings, its very low. Well views are counted well though there are many views that are not counted. Around 120 views I had and only 8 view is counted as to be paid. I am sorry but I guess there is something wrong. I am just being honest ...
@almerias, @stephen_georg

First of all, thanks for a honest feedback. I appreciate it even if it's not favorable for us.

So, @almerias:

to this moment when I'm writing this posts you have:
45 all views,
and 37 views from unique IP.

So, this 37 views can be considered as paid view. But,
31 from this 37 viewers had adlbock enabled.

So now we have 6 which can be considerd, but all from this 6 users didn't clicked on "continue to image" button (to compare, 25 from your 31 adblock users had cliked on this button).
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 900"]
[TD]All views -->[/TD]
[TD]Unique views -->[/TD]
[TD]Uniqe views with adblock -->[/TD]
[TD]Uniqe views without adblock -->[/TD]
[TD]UV with clicked "continue to image button"[/TD]

The main problem is that 83% of your users had adblock enabled.
The average amount of adblock users for whole website for yesterday was 16.7%.

I see referrers only for ~30% of yours views, and it's only torrent websites. It's okay for us, but I think torrent websites users are more "conscious" Internet users than normal users, so the are more likely to use adblock software.

Now let's see the case of @stephen_georg,
to this moment when I'm writing this posts you have:

127 all views,
and 80 views from unique IP.

So, this 80 views can be considered as paid view. But,
55 from this 80 viewers had adlbock enabled.

So now we have 25 which can be considerd, 7 users from this 25 didn't click on "contiunue to image", so you have 18 paid views. To compare 45 from 55 adblock users had cliked on this button.

In this case also the main problem is adblock. Almost 70% of your viewers had adblock enabled. I can't comment your refs, because all refs are linkshrink shortener (which is ok for us).

I hope it make clear situation for you guys.
Summary: the main problem is adblock with your users, when the average for our whole website is 16% to you this number is 83% and 70%.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Try to make upload function more simple like no need to login to each image upload.[/FONT]
Can you describe it more? Is there any logout action after each upload?

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]After upload, image links not viewing sometimes. [/FONT]
We are working on this. It will be improved soon.
@dannyarcher thanks for fast assistance :)

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]no image uploaded[/FONT]
Can you specify - do you mean no image uplaoded or no codes? Because upload is working very well, but sometimes there are no codes after upload, we are working to fix it.

Thanks for understanding.
Hmm I have just tested it and upload works. Does anyone have the same problem?

Also, @jackotml
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular] [/FONT]
I will write you email to get more informations and fix it. Thanks for the message.

Added after 5 Hours 22 minutes:

NEWS: the problem with generating codes is fixed.
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Some remarks I have:

1. limit of 50 files max is too low, should be more like 200
2. same for zip files, 50 files max and size of 100 MB is too low
3. Keep order of files when uploading from computer

These are minor issues but it makes uploading alot easier and more convenient.
Your image host looks promising :)
Hello @lunaman!

Thanks for your feedback.

So, we will increase upload limit soon. First, we will increase computer limit to 100, we check if the script and the server is ok, if yes than we will increase it to 150 and again, and again to accomplish as big amount as we can.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]3. Keep order of files when uploading from computer[/FONT]

Can you give me more details what you mean? Order by what exactly? Becaus on your computer you can order files by many factors, like name, amount etc.
Hello @lunaman!

Thanks for your feedback.

So, we will increase upload limit soon. First, we will increase computer limit to 100, we check if the script and the server is ok, if yes than we will increase it to 150 and again, and again to accomplish as big amount as we can.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]3. Keep order of files when uploading from computer[/FONT]

Can you give me more details what you mean? Order by what exactly? Becaus on your computer you can order files by many factors, like name, amount etc.

When I upload a set of images from computer, I want that set to stay in the order it currently has on my PC. Other images hosts upload the selection sequentially according to the order they are in when you select them on your PC. The only option I have now to do that is use ZIP upload.

Also are you planning on adding Bitcoin as payment option?
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Other images hosts upload the selection sequentially according to the order they are in when you select them on your PC.[/FONT]

Ok, we added this to our to-do list.

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Also are you planning on adding Bitcoin as payment option?[/FONT]
Yes, we are plannig to add Bitcon as a payment option.
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