- Unmetered 1GBiT Windows and Linux VPS - from €10/Mo (US/FR)

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Can u please process my order : Invoice #7715

It's Been 20mins Im Waiting In Live Chat, Please Send My Details, You Said It'll Be Instant, Please Check
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Sorry about the delay, we have been very busy. We are waiting on a new servers from LeaseWeb, once they come in we will deploy your server. This is still within our time limit for VPS setup which can be found here:


This needs to be posted in your top post so people that are in a rush know you may take up to 5 working days and they could be waiting a week if they order late Friday.
You are waiting for servers, not me. I need stable VPS provider and you do what you what without any information and with huge delays. I hope my all offline days will be rewarded with huuuge bonus and online asap.

Sorry about the delay, we have been very busy. We are waiting on a new servers from LeaseWeb, once they come in we will deploy your server. This is still within our time limit for VPS setup which can be found here:


I read some posts here and found you said your host machine is 10Gbps uplink now so that each VPS can have dedicated 1Gbps bandwidth. Is it only applied to new orders or it also applied to old VPS, such as vps1217?

You said each VPS shared 1Gbps uplink and you guarantee each VPS can have at least 250MBps when I paid for -Semi L- plan, so I want to understand whether it's still a shared 1Gbps or a dedicated 1Gbps uplink.
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Can you please process ticket

it been 5 days already, i only asked to reinstall the OS and still didn't process it, infact the server is not working it says "VPS Power State: --unknown (unable to get status)--" what is going on?!
I think you missed big time. My site is still offline and support just sayint that they are "fixing". Better take refund and run!

Added after 9 Days 13 Hours:

Hell no! Why it's unlocked ?
I've asked refund because they set-up my new vps for 6 days and it's more than in their TOS. Reply was short and clear "24 hours passed we cannot refund". I'd strongly advise to lock this thread to avoid more people scammed by this "hosting"
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Can I ask if you have a ticker reference for this?

The 24 hour period is from when the VPS is delivered not ordered.

Already closed. I've asked refund straight when I saw all my data was gone. It was no more than 24hours after your huge huge downtime.

We did not have any downtime? Please can you open a ticket so I can better understand what is going on here, I need to locate your account.

hi bro how are you. hope you are fine
so after a long wait finally this thread is back. glad to see that.
bro as i said in PM. i bought another VPS from someone else cuz 100tbh was too slow to send me VPS Login Information i bought another for completing my work.
and now i got email with VPS Login information. as i already have 1 VPS i cant use another. i submitted ticket for REFUND. but they are too slow to reply. they said they will refund. but didnt told WHEN?
can u please help me with this refund?
have a nice day
Hello, where the heck is my vps?
I've been waiting for two days now!
You keep telling me very soon on ticket.
I keep messaging you on skype but no answer before i paid and after i paid.
If you can't deliver the VPS just tell me man. View Ticket #880564
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