- regular&encode rdp,2xcpu,ssd,1gbs,2gbs,10gbs,$4/m (fr,ca,uk,de,us,nl)

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I know that, but looks like u have intentions of putting 40 users on 1 small rdp....look at the speeds and the lag, its terrible...
how do you see it with 40 users? it is about 25 for small rdp plans. if you see the lag there is someone just abuse the sever.
hi , i've payed an RDP and i have the payza and i have all the proof
but after paying and creating an account
my account was deleted , and i didn't receive any payback !

---------- Post added at 02:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

it's ok thank's to the live support
my review

rdp france 200gb

1gb file

350mb file


all one extraction running

Up to 12 users per server...

During the day you can´t work because everything is crashing and freezing, right now I have upload speed between 50kb - 500kb but with lags. You can do something only at night when other users sleep.

+ funny part, they suspended me for multiple winrar there is no info that this is forbidden
Client 19/10/2012 05:39
you should write to your site what is allowed and what not, I haven´t found info that multiple winrar are not allowed. You turn me off for about 8 hour because of winrar? What about one week that you tolerated people who were abusing server probably with encoding or something like that, will I get free days for it? Right now raring speed of 300mb file is 15 minutes, so tell me how is this possible when yesterday I could rar 3 files in about 2 minutes? Your servers are not stable. How are you going to compensate customers? Btw there are 13 users on my server not 12. Once again you suspended me for something that your tos allowed, so I´m waiting for answer. If this will continue I´ll ask for refund. This is not normal."

Without answer. Their tos says that RDP is not refundable btw... Can I ask paypal for refund for this or not? This is unusable service.
Abuse is not tolerated and as multiple RAR/UNRAR is abuse why would there be a separate rule?

Can I ask paypal for refund for this or not? This is unusable service.

Paypal doesn't support refunds for intangible goods.
running multiple RAR on the same drive also dose NOT increase your over all speed it will in-fact be less
because the disk has to keep moving back and forth between files it's working on
better to set your winrar to wait for another to finish and go one after another
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ok I ran 3-5 multi winrars at 1:00 gmt only because of small files they were unrared in two minutes so I think I couldn´t abuse server with this at that time, but if they turned me off for this, I´m looking for compensation, I can´t do nothing during the day and they haven´t resolved this problem so far.

Sniff I appreciated your help maybe you are satisfied with them but I´m not, I paid for 24/7 stable rdp. This rdp is stable 12/7
kosovo this service is online around 2 o 3 years i think ... what future plans you think they can do at this level ?

They are simply scam , why ? ... i said this the first day that he create the post but somebody delete it :

- They oversell servers ( many users per server )

- They don't answer tickets , and if they answer one , they tell you another thing that you didn't asked

- No refund policies ( i use a demo and works well , then i buy one slot and was the worst ever , i order he that refund me and tell me that )

and more things that i don't remember or i don't know ...

sorry for my bad english and no fall in this scams
Please check Ticket #135787
i dont see your ticket in the system
Also remind to everyone. your tickets will be responded within hours. please be patient and do not ask for non sense questions you wont get answers for that.
They oversell servers ( many users per server )
If you see we oversell the server more than the number of clients listed in the advertise. we will full refund you without any questions to ask.
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if you don't oversell servers , what is your answer that the speed uploads was in all servers 450kb per file ( 4 at same time ), download never go more that 6mb/s, and unrar 20gb takes 9h ? while in others rdp with the same server are 5mb/s upload per file , 40mb/s download and unrar 20gb takes 40min more less.
if you don't oversell servers , what is your answer that the speed uploads was in all servers 450kb per file ( 4 at same time ), download never go more that 6mb/s, and unrar 20gb takes 9h ? while in others rdp with the same server are 5mb/s upload per file , 40mb/s download and unrar 20gb takes 40min more less.
1.As i posted above if you see we oversell the server more than the number of clients listed in the advertise. we will full refund you without any questions to ask.
2. i give out demo for testing before you make orders. the server network and performance speed could be due to many factors. i suggest you should submit tickets for problem solving before you not unhappy.
3. you keep complains on this sale thread and you dont even have an account with us. what is the point of the discussion without any of proofs? i will report you to wj as you keep doing like this.
" ... you keep complains on this sale thread and you dont even have an account with us ... "

i don't have rdp active now , but 2 months ago YES. you think i will have now active your rdp if it is the worst ever ? omg ...

" ... i suggest you should submit tickets for problem solving before you not unhappy ... "

your support NEVER fix the problem , it was imposible to enconde ( i had rdp encode ) and to make BDremux takes 3h ... and a BDrip .. 28h ... WTF ? , and unrar problems NEVER was fixed too.

" ... i will report you to wj as you keep doing like this ... "

the truth hurts , do whatever you think appropriate

1.As i posted above if you see we oversell the server more than the number of clients listed in the advertise. we will full refund you without any questions to ask.

I logged after two days and you didn´t take away 13th user you put there two more!

When you should put away from server some ppl because server is like... (my old pentium 450 is faster than this sh.t) so you put 2 more users there.

I ASKED FOR REFUND AND I´M STILL ASKING AND I´M NOT GOING TO WRITE TICKETS BECAUSE YOU NEVER RESOLVE PROBLEMS. Right now rar 1gb file 45 minutes extracting, last night upload was freezing every second and slow 350mb file 15 minutes...

I paid for RDP up to 12 users (with 12 user I think it is unusable too btw), if you are not going to refund me I hope moderators will ban you here again and I will write my review on every forum where hostedges have some promo I swear. You are scammers and I see that I´m not only one who paid for overselled server. I´m waiting for refund.
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